Happy Tase Yourself in the Balls day, for those who celebrate
Happy Tase Yourself in the Balls day, for those who celebrate
Happy Tase Yourself in the Balls day, for those who celebrate
What a fuckin day eh
Seven emoji type of day
there is another!
It was a glorious day for Hexbear emoji connoisseurs.
Happy Getting Trampled to Death While Carrying A Flag That Says Don't Tread On Me Day
My favorite memory of this special day is the chuds attempting to scale the wall in front of the capitol...with the stairs literally right next to it and one of them falling off and breaking a leg
I loved how they all livestreamed themselves doing felonies without covering their faces. Some of them were even still wearing their work badges lmao. Absolutely zero concept of opsec, just
God that was so fucking funny. There was nothing at the top of the stairs, even. They just wanted to LARP storming the beaches of Normandy.
When the fash sends its people, they're not sending their best
Oh they sent their best
One of the funniest days in American history
Hexbear was doing a struggle session at the time so I logged off for a few days and totally missed this entirely as it was happening, never gonna forgive ya'll for this
lol, imagine logging off
I was between sites at the time so I was just tuning into twitch streams and mainlining the pure psychosis of it all.
Ahh, the memories we made that day will last forever. Totally worth the 75 days in jail to get that sweet lectern.
lol 75 days?
shit, maybe I should do a hijinx too fuck it I could use a vacation.
What better time than now? Happy hijinx!