There's always going to be some people who just don't enjoy fantasy, or fiction in general. But I feel most people once they get into the first few minutes of Fellowship warm up to the world of Middle Earth, by the end of the Council of Elrond are eager to see how the mission fares, and usually by the middle part are sucked in enough with the characters that they want to see more. I've seen some people dismissive of the whole thing at the start perk up when introduced to the Shire, and who don't see the bridge scene coming and lose it emotionally.
I'm a big fan of the novels, but thus far I've been having limited success getting people to consume them. Maybe I should try pureeing them before the force feeding?
Tie them up and play hours and hours ... days and days of audio books for them to listen to day and night non stop. Play each book at least three or four times just to make sure they understand the writing.
In high school I was not into sword & sorcery fantasy fiction at all and couldn't even struggle through The Hobbit. Then along came D&D and suddenly I was hooked. Getting immersed in the subject by being part of the adventure myself did the trick.