The FBI responded to my FOIA request on HB
The FBI responded to my FOIA request on HB
TL;DR no records found. Either HB really is a bunch of libs or I didn't word the request well enough. Never done one of these before.
The FBI responded to my FOIA request on HB
TL;DR no records found. Either HB really is a bunch of libs or I didn't word the request well enough. Never done one of these before.
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Did you ask anyone for advice on how to do it?
Also why would the fbi give any info if they had it?
They technically legally have to, if it's not part of an active investigation or a "threat to national security" to do so. Among other exceptions.
They've released some juicy shit before. Usually super redacted and past when it would be really useful.
But really we don't know to what extent they illegally withhold stuff.
They technically legally have to, if it's not part of an active investigation or a "threat to national security" to do so. Among other exceptions.
How can you be this fucking naive? Do you expect undercover cops to blow their cover when you ask them if they're cops?
What part of "all cops are bastards" do you not fucking understand? Let me break it down so even you can understand:
All: This means every single cop is a bastard.
Cops: The FBI are cops.
Are: This is the copula that links the subject and object together, so like the = sign.
Bastards: Bastards tend to maliciously lie and not tell the truth.
All cops are bastards: Every single cop, which includes every single federal agent in the FBI, are people who lie for malicious reasons.
Yes I'm under no illusions that they aren't all bastards, which is why I said "But really we don’t know to what extent they illegally withhold stuff.", and prefaced it with "technically".
Of course they lie, cheat, and make the process harder. Though once in a while FOIA requests turn up something juicy despite all that. I suppose it depends on how much it harms the pigs or the system as a whole to release it.