The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 31.12.24
The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 31.12.24
Загальні бойові втрати противника з 24.02.22 по 31.12.24 (орієнтовно)
#NOMERCY #stoprussia
| Підписатися ГШ ЗСУ |
The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 31.12.24
Загальні бойові втрати противника з 24.02.22 по 31.12.24 (орієнтовно)
#NOMERCY #stoprussia
| Підписатися ГШ ЗСУ |
Russian losses are crazy, despite the third year isn't quite over yet, personnel losses are already more than the 2 first years combined!
Russia allegedly has had serious problems getting soldiers fast enough for months, but somehow they manage to continue the meat-waves at these high levels?
Hopefully Russia can't keep this up much longer. But is some sort of attempt to look strong until Trump becomes president, where they may hope Trump will make changes to their advantage.
They can keep meatwaves up for at least another year. After that year they will have no army and so almost any country could overrun them if they wanted. [it is fun to think of vatican city doing a crusade in 2026]
They can keep meatwaves up for at least another year.
Oh boy, you may be right, but I don't think they can. If Russia continues the war at this rate, I suspect Russia to be so dysfunctional late summer or early autumn, that they will not be able to fight this war effectively anymore.
We've already seen the beginning of economic hurt in Russia, due to the economy not actually being able to sustain the war. The bottom is falling out of the economy, and Russia has no more tricks to pull to keep the appearance of everything being OK.
The result will be a sharp decline in Russian economy, and possible collapse of the Russian federation.
I notice usually less tanks per day than earlier year. I wonder why? Finally running out, getting smarter, or both?