Military chocolate (United States)
Military chocolate (United States)

Military chocolate (United States)
When provided as an emergency field ration, military chocolate was very different from normal bars. Since its intended use was as an emergency food source, it was formulated so that it would not be a tempting treat that troops might consume before they needed it.
And so hard they often shaved pieces off in order to eat it.
The part where it is stated it should taste slightly better than a boiled potatoe is genius.
Wiki entry does not mention it used to turn into white chocolate if stored for many years. Not sure if still does?
I suspect you’re referring to chocolate bloom which can happen to all chocolate.
I've heard that Lithuanian military rations contain chocolate made by Rūta and foreigners seem to really like it for some reason.
Hershey Chocolate? So that's the one that has a vomit after taste?