The Great Hoodie Wash of 2024 has begun
The Great Hoodie Wash of 2024 has begun
Approx 17 billion hoodies will go through the clothes washing machine this night.
The Great Hoodie Wash of 2024 has begun
Approx 17 billion hoodies will go through the clothes washing machine this night.
Why tonight?
Some are new hoodies opened as Christmas gifts on December 24th. The rest are old hoodies that got vomit on them by the fun uncle that made December 24th memorable.
Something something Jesus
At first I thought you only washed your hoodies once a year.
Wait you wash your hoodies?
Wash your damned hoodies.
Approx 17 billion hoodies
That number seems hard to believe... That would mean on average every human in the world would be washing at least two hoodies last night.
i said approx tho