Deoxyribo&ucleic acid
Deoxyribo&acid (Deoxyriboandacid)
The N stands for nucleic.
Safe me, jeebus!
The power of the Lord compels you .... HE COMPELS YOU!!!! (palm slaps you on the forehead)
Are you licking toads?
Favorite band: Hall Nucleic Oats
Favorite game: Dungeons Nucleic Dragons
Favorite tv show: Law Nucleic Order
Wonder what Challenge Rating a Nucleic Dragon would be?
"God safe us" God save us.
"Nucleic" is just German for "And".
Dungeons and Acid
Dicks 'N' Ass
Deoxyribo and nucleic acid
and *ucleic
Average social media moment
Still worthy to share on this community.
Shadow Raiders great show
I mean I write little inside jokes to myself in my private notes all the time