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Seriously, though. How often do you think of the Roman Empire?

I know this is a joke/meme, but I sincerely think of the Roman Empire a surprising amount of times. I find myself obsessing over how Roman citizens were living just as complex lives as we are today, or about Marcus Aurelius' life and philosophy, or about how the Republic fell and became a totalitarian state.

  • I have no idea when the last time I thought about Rome period, let alone in any sort of in-depth way. I've learned a bit in school and a few years ago went through a YouTube deep dive history phase but Rome was a topic just as much as any other culture.

    So exceptions aside.... I never think about Rome?

  • I'm currently in a course about the Roman Republic in college, so pretty much every other day.

  • "The Roman Empire", as most people understand it, meaning ancient Rome, is a period of somewhere between 500 and 1500 years spanning territory from Western Europe to Syria and from Northern England to North Africa.

    The reason this is a meme is that it's the equivalent of asking "how often do you think about the US" and then being surprised that the answer is some number. If you have even a passing interest in things that happened not specifically right now the answer to this is nonzero.

    Now, the weird part is how many of the memers are getting things completely wrong or just generally fantasizing about the... I don't know, look and feel of the thing. If and when I think back to this it's mostly about petty neighbourly disputes leading to lawsuits and crummy politics.

  • Often because I always had an interest in their history.

    As a kid I was fascinated by the fact they existed, were so successful and then disappeared.

    As an adult reading more details about their society and civilization, it amazes and terrifies me how we are following the same path and mentality. Which means we may very well be on the same path of self destruction. When they were in their glory, they were never aware that they would die out. We are feeling the same way today with total confidence.

    2,000 years from now our decedants may see us in the same way we see the Romans today.

    • That's definitely how I think about them. In comparison to housing policies or rent issues and what their outcome was.... and deep horror at what it means for our potential future.

      To be fair history rhymes not repeats but that mostly seems to come from us having better tech and therefore better conditions but the human actions and ideas seem to be annoyingly on repeat.

      • The only thing that seems to progress is our technology

        We are capable of improving and making our technology very very efficient within a short period of time.

        However, our mentality, our logic and our behaviours will take many more thousands of years to evolve ... the imbalance is like watching a monkey with a machine gun or a grenade.

        And evolution, change and the future doesn't mean things will be rosy either ... evolution doesn't mean better from your perspective or some other person's perspective .. evolution just means change.

        We could evolve our civilization into a socially minded mutually beneficial shared utopia ... or into a totalitarian model where we divide the species into the powerful served by the weaker ones ... or into something more equitable .. or something far more terrifying ... or we just completely and utterly destroy ourselves and leave no trace of our species or our descendants on the planet.

  • I frequently think about the late phase of decadence and dysfunction, followed by collapse. I figure the American empire is treading a similar path, just on a faster timeline.

  • I joked about my wife competing for a job with another candidate by having a gladitorial match. She was like, "Roman Empire again, huh?" and I was like "... fuck."

  • 5 times total in the past 2 years...and the latest 3 times were because of posts like this in the past basically, almost never.

    Im a little shocked and in a bit of disbelief that some people think about it daily or even weekly.

  • Barely at all before this whole "How often do you think a out the Roman Empire" thing popped up

    But there is some context that I more often think about that is related.

    First: You are now aware of the position of your togue in your mouth.

    Diagonies is one that comes up at least once every couple weeks at work, this usually leads to Rome.

    Second: You are now manually breathing.

    Basically ancient philosophers is a topic that comes up a lot with some of my friends, so Rome comes up in relation to it.

    Third: Don't think of a pink elephant

    But in general I'd say before this whole thing it was basically at most once a month.

  • I’ve been painting a literal legion’s worth of miniature Roman troops for a few months now.