Voting for the lesser evil is still evil
Voting for the lesser evil is still evil
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Voting for the lesser evil is still evil
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That's absolutely not the long term effect of voting for the lesser evil.
That's the effect of more people voting for the greater evil.
Under first-past-the-post systems, as long as there are other people who support the greater evil, and evil's willing to use its power to increase its influence (whether that's removing anti-bias laws that restrict the press, raising limits on campaign donations, or more directly, things like gerrymandering), you'll get the shift towards evil from voting for the lesser evil, as the lesser evil will chase after the voters who vote for evil.
However, plenty of people notice that, and post memes like this one that encourage voting for a third party with no hope of winning or not voting at all, which only serves to accelerate the effect, as the lesser evil has to attract an even greater share of the evil demographic's vote to have any hope of winning. People say that voting third-party demonstrates to the lesser evil that it's worth courting non-evil voters, but that can't have any effect until the next election, and in the meantime, you're stuck with maximum evil for a whole term, and the hurdles to overcome grow larger.
The best hope is to start campaigning for a third party or non-evil candidate for the lesser evil party immediately after an election instead of leaving it until right before an election, as that hopefully gives enough time for support to grow enough that the lesser evil party will see non-evil as a meaningful demographic that's worth aligning with. It's not guaranteed to work, but if it doesn't, either evil is genuinely a majority and the democratic thing is to be evil, or the system isn't a democracy, and there's no way to remove evil by voting, so alternatives need to be considered.
So this image is positing that "left" is lesser evil and "right" is greater evil.
Just before line two, the greater evil has won. Because more people voted for the greater evil.
If more people had voted for the lesser evil, lines two through four would be reversed, and the result would be less evil.
Of course, the whole thing presumes that bOtH sIdEs are some unacceptable level of evil. Now, don't get me wrong, there are problems that need resolving, regardless of what kind of politics is involved. How and whether those problems get solved depends heavily on what kind of politics is involved.
Yeah. This whole thing is a shell game to hide the fact that OP is gaming the candidate pool and ignoring the knock-on effects from the worst candidate being shut out every time.
Completely flawed.
It's the long term effect of voting for a lesser evil that knows it can get away with being shitty as long as it's better than the greater evil.
...and here's the short term effects of failing to resist the greater evil:
Voter apathy just handed us another 4 years of Trump. The lesser evil is looking pretty fucking good right now.
No, you should vote for a different lesser evil that they prefer even though it will be even less effective
When people have limited choices to vote on, voting for a or b does not make them like a or b.
It just means it’s a “boiling the frog situation” when gradually changing the goalposts makes people not notice the real issues.
The average American really has not changed that much from the past generations, but the candidates that are allowed to run in either party have drifted rightward.
If I want to vote for green, and I can choose only on a greyscale, my interpretation of which shade of gray might be closest to green might be a personal choice, highly disputed.
Don't say that without proposing a better solution.
Are you suggesting that a feeling of moral superiority while things get worse isn't a better solution?????
Their only solution is wait until enough people become leftists to have a successful revolution. They'll say it with a straight face like it's a realistic near-term plan.
The better solution people have been proposing (and one recently enacted) is promptly met with jail time. Everybody knows what it is but can't say it without risking getting banned or arrested.
In a two-party FTTP system, we really have no choice. Not voting for the “lesser evil” benefits the “greater evil,” every time.
Honestly the dems have been so worthless that I dont care about them anymore. There hasnt been a real primary in almost 2 decades. They are probably gonna loose again anyways since they hate winning
Pelosi winning over AOC put the nail in the coffin. It there's a new left party I'll be voting for them.
No, this is the long term effect of voting for "eLeCtAbLe" politicians in primaries. Putting a centrist in the general to run against the right in hopes of pulling voters from the right DOES NOT FUCKING WORK. Can we please finally accept that and move on?
Putting a centrist in the general to run against the right in hopes of pulling voters from the right DOES NOT FUCKING WORK.
Which is why the DNC keeps doing it. They'd rather hand the country to fascists than let a leftist into office. Hence OP's post.
then why don't far left candidates work in europe?
This reminds me of when Trump used the Sharpie to extend the NOAA circle on that map
"have things gotten bad enough for you all to see it our way yet?" "no?" "ok we'll be here doing absolutely nothing until you're ready to accept our system of power over the current one"
why would i rely on or work with rEVoLuTiOnArY leftists, when the closest thing to a plan thats ever presented is allowing things to deteriorate until people are suffering enough to follow them?
To all the MFer here claiming "we have no other choice!" "Third parties spoil elections!", etc.: you're not getting it:
The solution is not to disengage, but rather to start building up true political power by mass organizing.
Primaries. Fucking people need to show up for the primaries. I usually only see people coming out and bitching about their shitty choices in the general. It doesn't help that Americans really like to vote for incumbents, and that the fucking parties really like to only support incumbents.
Quite amazing isn't it how hard it is for workers to "unite". But then at the same time in the years after the great depression, when communism still might have seemed an experiment worth trying, you get people easily giving in to fascism instead.
I know, I know, Reichstag fire etc. But fascist movements were not unique to Germany and even in socially conscious Britain the communist party never got traction.
In short, I think historically speaking people in the Western world are a bit "right of centre", esp concerning scapegoating foreigners and seeing something 'natural' in monopolies being built.
One interpretation of what we're seeing is the slow natural death of the left leaning post war social consensus, which was in some sense "artificially" created by the circumstances of the war, and we're now returning to the historic right leaning trend last seen at the end of the Victorian era.
Obviously it's not like people don't dislike the downsides to being "right of centre" but I've often found that, given the chance to mull the idea of a much more socialist country, people are surprisingly resistant to governments having the kind of monopoly that many companies do. I don't know, perhaps they've seen companies rise and fall, but once you give power to a government there's no going back?
(I'm not talking about your average Fox news intoxicated American, my experience is with regular working people in Britain, Germany, Italy etc)
My take is that there are a lot of people on the Left who would rather lose every election than compromise any of their principles. They consider this noble, but I consider it foolish at best and criminal at worst. Actual human beings are going to die because Donald Trump won the election.
Yep. It's great that they can signal their virtue and ideological purity. What sucks is that they can't show solidarity to actually help people nationally. If they even help people locally. Attacking the people they could reason with. Ignoring/enabling the really bad people. And admonishing the rest of us. Accusing us of enabling genocide for trying to do things that will actually see the less people killed. What were we thinking!
Oh! Suddenly I'm not wrong for not voting because it was a choice between evil and evil? Very weird how that works out. I told you motherfuckers from the get-go, but yall didn't want to listen
Downvote all you want. The choices are a farse, and the majority fell for it hook, line, and sinker
not voting at all is worse than voting evil or lesser evil
You have to assume the system will survive any efforts against it and act accordingly.
voting is harm reduction and yes you are wrong for not telling those in charge of the orphan crushing machine to dial it back a notch especially when the odds aren't in your favour.
Participating in western liberal democracy doesn't prevent anyone from building systems that undermine it.
Hey everyone, I found the greater evil.
Turns out it was just ignorance and a lack of personal responsibility this whole time!
Wow. You got my whole person figured from one comment on the internet. That's an impressive talent.
That's the pot calling the kettle black
Please explain how
I voted to make the system get worse slightly slower while I work on non-electoral direct action
Is worse than
I abstained from an action that could make the system get worse slightly slower while I work on non-electoral direct action
Even if both evils are equal, they are the same. You chose to take an action that's at best the same as the other option.