Voting for the lesser evil is still evil
Voting for the lesser evil is still evil
Voting for the lesser evil is still evil
Colombia be like rn…
Ah yes, so the best option is to not vote and let them succeed unimpeded.
I'm all for voting for a better candidate, but we have a broken 2 party system, and it very much is if you don't vote for one of the two main parties, you are pretty much just not voting at all.
I don't vote for this person. I'm voting against that person.
Dems have been nothing but a doormat for the last 30 years, the party of complicity. I'm absolutely positive they've been playing the dupe and moving the US further to the right all the while playing the victim.
Could have fixed the electoral college but didn't. Could have codified abortion into the constitution but didn't. Could have filled RBGs supreme court seat without Senate confirmation regardless of the pearl clutching, but didn't. Could have put pressure on the justice department to get their investigation done with to get the trial for Trump for treason at least started....but fuck me, they didn't.... seriously- they couldn't put a case together in 3 years?????
Could have, should have, would have. Fucking useless.
In my country we stopped voting the socdem party, because they betrayed the workers. From one election to the next they lost like half the votes.
For 4 years the conservative party ruled. But after that the socdem change their politics we voted them again and had had a fairly leftist government for the last year.
They are slacking again so I plan not to vote next election, hoping thar more people get the memo, they sink again in votes and sit to think on why people felt betrayed, and change for the better.
4 years of conservative party were worthy giving that after the socdems turned left again we conquer a lot of things that we wouldn't have gotten otherwise if we would have keep on voting their moderate centrist version.
We also voted for third parties when they said that it was throwing your vote away, and the other party got almost the same votes as the socdems(too bad they were not that good once they sat on office). My point is that courage is needed to make a change.
Ah yes, so the best option is to not vote and let them succeed unimpeded.
The best option is to scream at anyone who isn't fucking delighted that your side of the party has moved so far to the right that they're supporting genocide.
No one can gripe about your shit wing of the party.
That's exactly the voter attitude, that gets the broken 2 party system. Politicians know this kind of thinking and use it to their advantage.
also known as
Look at how the system actually works. There are two choices. Both candidates have to compete for all the people who vote. If you sit out the election that doesn't mean either candidate will try to get your vote; they'll ignore you and go after the people who do vote.
Someone else came up with this analogy. It's like the trolley problem except the there's a third option. The third choice is to throw the switch to "Neither," but "Neither" isn't connected and the trolley kills someone anyway.
Or as Rush put it, “If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.”
My friend, what you wrote totally ignores the passage of time. Everything you wrote is true if we only look at one election, and none of it is true if we consider the passage of time and how pressure operates. If the political party is not getting votes, if all of their candidates are losing, either they will disband or they will find different policies to push.
Actually I paid attention to history. The pendulum swung the other way a few years back; arch Conservative Ronald Reagan courted the Left by picking the first woman on the Supreme Court and making Colin Powell his Number One guy.
George Carlin did a great job blowing this nonsense apart
If 5% of the general election popular vote for POTUS, knowing that the candidate cannot win, still voted for the Green Party platform then what effect would that have upon the Democratic Party platform?
On a five point difficulty scale this is a two. The test gets way harder than this.
Make your 3rd party an arm of the dems. A coalition of sorts
If you're saying that the Left should vote for the Dems I agree.
I'd love to have Bernie as President, but our side dropped the ball twice and failed to get him nominated.
You understand how things work! Ignore the apathy trolls. They are trying to silence your vote. Here's what actually happens if you vote for the lesser of two evils. You're rights are protected and next time use the primary process to pick someone even better.
You’re rights are protected and next time use the primary process to pick someone even better.
Oh, Like how we voted for the lesser evil in 2020 and didn't have a fucking primary in 2024. Don't tell us to do something that your party makes sure doesn't happen.
Lol. What planet do you live on?
You're rights are protected
Like how Roe V. Wade was protected when Biden got into office? Like our right to protest the atrocities which our taxes are paying for in Gaza?
Do yourself a favor and read the novels of Ross Thomas. He was a Washington reporter turned crime novelist. All his books have a strong political basis. Two of his best; "The Fools In Town Are On Our Side," an ex-CIA hot shot is hired to clean up a small Southern city by making it so corrupt even the pimps will vote for reform; "The Porkchoppers," a nuts and bolts look at a Union election with characters ranging from White House aides and Washington power mongers to factory line workers.
There is a better way! Ranked choice voting means no more voting for the lesser of two evils. Look into fo yourselves and others - vote to change the voting systems near you!
I feel as though there's a significant amount of extra info that isn't strictly conveyed here.
The core issue is that you only have 2 real options in america, third parties may as well not exist. So, come election time, your harm reduction option is to vote for the least evil party.
But that's not the way to solve the issue, and neither is abstaining or voting third party, IMO. The way to solve the issue happens between votes. Picketing, protesting, demonstrating, taking action, making noise. You won't solve the broken 2 party system at election time. But you do have to actually get out and take action, not just say that you will and keep letting the overton window shift right.
(Take with a pinch of salt because I'm not american)
But that’s not the way to solve the issue
So...... revolution? It worked once before!
I mean sure! Take the whole CEO situation and springboard off that, you find yourselves in circumstances similar to pre-revolution France so the conditions are right.
The core issue is that you only have 2 real options in america, third parties may as well not exist.
There's false assumptions necessary to reach this conclusion. Typically the false assumption is that the role of a third party is to win. The root cause of making this assumption is often that the scope of evaluation has been limited to one term or cycle.
I mean, you're not the first one to say thing. People picket, people protest, people make noise. College students are arrested, protests either get Zero media attention (or worse, are regulated to an ineffective location because of regulations) or the protestors switch to disruptive tactics that actually get noticed and are demonized by everyone for it.
Like I keep hearing this "You have to go out and take action", EVERYONE IS! People are walking up and knocking on people's doors and getting punched in the face. People are outside houses getting cops called on them and arrested. Everyone is now more able to point out the bad actors and exactly how that's effecting the parties and policies.
You have Bernie Sanders and AOC out protesting and "making noise" in the spot light every damn day.
our election cycle is every 2 years or less depending on the occasion. IT IS ALWAYS ELECTION CYCLE IN AMERICAN POLITICS. They have to plan early and extensively to knock off any candidate they don't want (pulling national resources to squash anyone they view "outside" their establishment).
At this point the "make noise" comments need to reiterate what the end goal is for that make noise. You're setting people up to just be angry and upset and protest the inequality or inefficiencies of our system when that's exactly what the politicians want (it's a feature, not a bug). No amount of protesting, a litany of policies at that, will be effective when the complete political spectrum is against change. Take a look at the Civil Rights Era and the voting that was concluded, it looks completely unlike anything we have now.
The political parties have strengthened their stranglehold (I've argued in the past that they are "political parties" in name only, they are more incorporated or an oligarch representatives at this point and should be regulated as such). They listen to power only, the power was taken from the working and lower classes a long time ago. We get our shows we can put on, but it doesn't move the needle anymore. It used to at least force them to talk about moving the needle, even that's gone now.
I think its quite obvious that the people I'm advising to get out and take action are the people who... aren't? I'm well aware that action is being taken and that it is growing in numbers, but more needs to be done.
That aside, how does voting third party or abstaining from voting affect change against the issues you've highlighted above? Because I don't disagree with the issues you've raised.
All you do by consistently voting the "lesser of two evils" is kicking the hangover down the road by keeping to drink more alcohol. You know every time that it will get worse and the sooner you get through the hangover, the sooner you could actually move on, but in fear of the hangover you grab the bottler another time.
With the measures you mentioned the problem is in particular that the current Democrats are not caring about them. They assume they will get the votes nonetheless and if they don't it is fine because the Republicans will cover most of the donors interests anyways. Making noise only works, if it is followed by consequences. Leaving political violence aside, the only consequence a normal person can realize is not giving the vote.
This. I'm in the US and was fully prepared to protest whether Harris or Trump won, I'm opposed to them both in different ways. Trump and team may get me off my ass very quickly though.
OK, what else do you suggest? Not voting? That just speeds the process up. Voting for the small but much better option? In a FPTP voting system (like the American one that I assume you're talking about), the spoiler effect means that's as good as not voting.
This is my issue with the leftist community in general, and especially the ml group. Because of idealism, they seem to ask for something that doesn't exist and not accept anything else.
As good as that video is, he ignores the strength elections have as damage control. Yes, large positive change needs the sort of efforts he's describing, but ignoring voting means a bad government will have far more opportunity to undo progress.
Really, the biggest takeaway from that video is that there are more tools than simply voting and protesting, which I don't think anyone is disagreeing with.
I think you're missing several things. First, if the phenomenon is accurate, and it is, then the burden is on you to figure out how to stop getting played. Don't ask other people to solve your problems. Recognize your problems, and then work to solve them directly.
Second, the spoiler effect doesn't exist unless you're in a swing state. But how many Americans were told that they have to vote for Harris or they're supporting Trump, when in fact their state was nowhere close to 50/50 so realistically they could have voted for anyone?
Third, there is no single leftist community. There are many different leftist communities that overlap and agree on various points. Also, you're suggesting that leftists are idealist, but that's not the truth. We all recognize the current situation, and we're trying to make a better one, but you're not. In other words, your cynicism has caused you to throw in the towel, and to accept the current reality as permanent, unchangeable, it sucks but there's nothing you can do, and that's certainly true if you believe it.
then the burden is on you to figure out how to stop getting played. Don’t ask other people to solve your problems
Sorry, but how the fuck did you get to that opinion? Sharing knowledge and ideas is how humanity thrives, but unless I'm misunderstanding you you're saying that we should each individually find a solution to the problem we are all in together.
the spoiler effect doesn't exist unless you're in a swing state
The spoiler effect will always exist to some extent in any FPTP system. Sure, it won't make nearly as much difference in a one sided state as it will in a swing state, but the effect still exists, and makes it much harder for a better party to gain traction while not losing a lot of ground in the mean time.
how many Americans were told that they have to vote for Harris or they’re supporting Trump
The people that didn't believe this and so didn't vote are probably the reason that Trump won the popular vote, and that the republicans have a majority in the senate and the house.
you’re suggesting that leftists are idealist, but that’s not the truth
Acting like "voting for the lesser evil is evil and therefore unacceptable" seems pretty idealist to me. I'm well aware that most people here are aware of how shit the world is, and are doing their part to improve it, which is something I appreciate and want to support. It's just that from what I can tell, the recent US election was the wrong place for idealism.
we’re trying to make a better one, but you’re not
Sorry, mate, but don't assume. I'm not american, I'm kiwi. And since we don't have a completely shit voting system, I always vote as a huge idealist and never vote for one of the big two, because in MMP that's not a wasted vote.
your cynicism has caused you to throw in the towel, and to accept the current reality as permanent, unchangeable
No. I've just accepted that, at least for this cycle of US elections, the better approach would be playing defensive. It's not that the current reality is unchangeable, it's that positive change will be very slow.
OK, what else do you suggest?
Not many ask.
Because of idealism, they seem to ask for something that doesn't exist and not accept anything else.
This is my issue with almost everyone. They believe they already know what others think, that no one could possibly have an alternative that they've not already considered.
My suggestions are as follows: Consider that your scope of evaluation is only one cycle. As a consequence there may be nuance in system function that you'd not considered. Then ask the same question but in good faith.
not many ask
Yes, they do ask a lot, at least a far as I've seen. I still haven't seen a good alternative to voting for the lesser evil in a FPTP system.
They believe they already know what others think
My opinion on that was based on the whole "don't vote for Harris, she'll support genocide" thing I saw earlier this year. If I'm wrong about that, or anything else, I'm more than happy to be corrected.
no one could possibly have an alternative that they've not already considered
Most people don't think that no one could have a good alternative, they just don't know of anyone who does.
your scope of evaluation is only one cycle
You're assuming that's my only scope. Both the short term and the long term are important, but from what I've seen the short term tends to get ignored in this sort of community.
*Long term effects of a broken 2 party voting system...
This is a lie. People just spread this to trick you into not voting so the Republicans win.
This is a lie spread by corporate elites that want to make sure both parties align with their interests instead of having Democrats create a popular platform and win on that basis.
Did you learn nothing from hanging on to Biden until even the billionaire donors got scared by his dementia?
How many people did you vote for that weren't Republican or Democrat in your local elections? If you didn't vote for them (3rd party, new party) there, don't expect them to ever exist as a presidential candidate. You can't even qualify to be on the ballot if you don't have the party established. You have to petition on all 50 states to be shown there and you will likely be denied on many.
If you don't like the Republican or Democrat party, a solution would be to get local candidates to run under a new party that fits your views better, still you would NEED to vote for whichever of the 2 parties fits your views best in the presidential vote to SLOW the movement right/left/up/down whatever... And establish that party in enough city's/counties/states to take seats that matter there. Once known... Then and only then would it be viable to split the vote, and you likely lose 4 years to a hard push into the directions you don't want... While the final negotiations and realizations of merging or replacing/allying with the lesser evil party.
Likely meaning a pledge that you would hold primaries that would endorse each other if the winner of a primary shows more people. But you cannot and will not win a presidential election if you split the vote and don't endorse each other
or voting third party in a backwards outdated voting system like that of the US
The effect shown isn't untrue, but the conclusion doesn't follow from that.
Also the lesser evil kills all enthousiam and loses the election.
Which is just fine by the lesser evil wing of the party.
The short term effect of voting for the "greater evil" (or not voting at all): straight to the far, far right.
The time to vote for someone good is the primaries, which set what the dichotomy of the actual election is going to be like. In the November dichotomy, voting for the lesser evil is kinda the only option unless you want Big Evil to win.
Yes, it would be better to "merge" the main election and primaries into a ranked-choice vote but that's not happening anytime soon.
Your caption totally doesn't match these graphs.
'The lesser evil' might as well be left (leaning) from the majorities POV. In that case the shift would be to the left. And furthermore you seem to be assuming that this shift continues because you keep voting for the 'lesser evil'?
I think that's contradictory. Voting for someone is telling them you like their course best. Why would they change their course if they are already getting the votes? (Or lead the polls?) They would only do so to capture another parties audience - and only if their own ideas are not popular (enough) already. So the contrary is true: Parties tend towards whoever is getting more votes. This is only logical, because that's ultimately what they need.
Having to vote for a 'lesser evil' just means your system is broken, corrupt, or you feel like you have no other option. In functioning democratic systems, you will see fluctuations based on the general sentiment towards current topics. What's currently going on tends to have a much more significant impact on voters than any ideals.
To give you a very simplistic example: Economy bad -> People vote for guy who (they think) will fix it. This was a big factor in Trumps victory. (And there are probably also more racist then you think.)
a system where you get served only two options to vote for but are held responsible for the outcome instead of those who limited the available options in the first place?
eh yes, you are right, this is stupid.
as a completely unrelated sidenote:
"winner takes it all" is the actual opposite of democracy, no matter how the voting was done, and this fact can already be read 1:1 within those 4 simple words 😉
Oh my. You win the argument today!
Thank you, thank you for taking the time to put together such a meaningful and well thought-out comment. We are all slightly better off because you paused your surely very important work and gave us your insights.
We've been living in an authoritarian right wing country for 25-50 years. Historically the tactic of "we must sacrifice [insert marginalized group here] or it'll get worse for us all!!!" has been very effective.
I find it very hopeful that this was the year that people were finally very vocally opposed that tactic and think it's a good sign going forward that things might actually get better. However, that is reliant on people like you waking up to the fact that no amount of time and effort put into reinforcing the sacrificial machine will ever change its fundamental nature and that what you view as "being entitled brats" is often simply refusing to participate in the death, enslavement and marginalization of others.
Is active resistance better? Yes! But token resistance while actively reinforcing the authoritarian right is worse than nothing. The vast majority of those "opportunities to volunteer and donate" are doing just that; a $5 donation to "lesser evil INC." is still actively funding evil.
Your frustration and anxiety for the future is perfectly valid, and I appreciate that you are at least a little mad about the state of things. But I would ask that you step back, reevaluate, and redirect that rage and start punching up instead of looking for who to punch down at.
Incidentally that's also the effect of not voting for the lesser evil, you can just cut out the two steps in the middle then.
So if you don't vote for the lesser evil it gets salty and joins the evil? Yeah i am not voting for that psycho manipulating abusive shit.
So if you don’t vote for the lesser evil it gets salty and joins the evil?
Not quite. If you don't vote for the lesser evil, it loses influence, which means the greater evil has it easier to shift things over in their direction and control the narrative. They've won after all, so clearly that's what the voters want. The lesser evil will take cues from this.
(It should also be said that this whole meme only really applies to shitty 2-party systems. In a proper parliamentary democracy, you have more realististic choices than "greater evil" and "lesser evil" and don't have to play this stupid game at all.)
Yep, that's why I always vote for the bigger evil.
Accelerationism is more ethical than neoliberal denial. By voting for the bigger evil you've made yourself the lesser evil.
Funny that a lot of people see this shit and immediately go but Dem and Rep, this shit applied for a lot of countries that have more than 2 parties. When the more popular parties are all shit people go with "lesser evil".
Us commies weren't always "far" left.
In other words, "B-but..."
Meanwhile, Trump takes office
in 2 months. Keep polishing that halo tho!It's incredible that libs still haven't figured out that vote shaming doesn't work. Instead of doing some reflection on why Trump won, there's just more of the same moralizing happening.
Dems lost twice with the same rhetoric. Vote Dems or get trump. I thought they learned from the past, but no, just double down.
I'm beginning to think vote shaming is integral to their worldview.
Voting for lesser evil is important although the lesser evil is still evil
Voting for non evil is the way to go. By keeping to vote for the lesser evil, you get it to become more evil while keeping non evil out of power. This is how the system games you.
I think depends on the voting system and the election. US has a really bad system with FPTP voting. In that case tactical voting should be used for governor and president but representatives should be voted by the heart to build up better support for third party candidates.
It's also very important to vote in primaries and and party national conventions because those votes affect national policies way more than the elections themselves.
US is very presidential heavy but voting in local elections really counts and allows third parties to slowly build up enough support to create a hung parliament where voting system concessions can be made.
You are 100% correct.
Look at OPs meme and ask the obvious question: "Why is this moving to the right, and not to the left? Aren't both options equally possible?"
The answer is that it moves to the side that wins elections.
"Why is the right winning elections" is the much much better question to ask. In the meantime, do everything you can to move the center in the other direction one step at a time, and that doesn't come about by losing elections while standing on principle.
That's what I've always thought, it feels like the dems instead of compromising on ideology they should look for policies that benefit the rural Americans that feel increasingly excluded from the society happening in cities. Just throw them farming subsidies for small to mid sized farms, benefits for undeveloped land, agricultural loans for the energy transition to help them conform to new climate regulations.
Then maybe even throw in benefits for rural fire departments and so on are all democrat ideology policies. When the right becomes unelectable people move left.
More like the Overton Window at work actually.
Biden will likely end up as one of the top 5 most progressive presidents ever. Society expects more from Democrats than they would've previously. There's nothing wrong w/ that, but the argument being presented seems misguided and like both sides nihilism.
Biden will likely end up as one of the top 5 most progressive presidents ever.
Biden will be remembered as the president with dementia who butchered Gaza.
Biden will likely end up as one of the top 5 most progressive presidents ever.
He's not even in the top 5 now.
Too many commenters here do not understand anything about how any of it works, especially how first past the post voting works. Progressives do not seem to understand that the system has not rejected them, but the voters have.
It is mostly relentless propaganda for the oligarchs that has captured the country. That’s the problem, and it is not fixed by any of the suggestions here.
Not sure this makes sense. I think the window shifts right as people continue to vote right.
From the Wikipedia article about the Overton window:
The most common misconception is that lawmakers themselves are in the business of shifting the Overton window. That is absolutely false. Lawmakers are actually in the business of detecting where the window is, and then moving to be in accordance with it.
Or we can go directly to the bottom frame like we're gonna do - but go ahead and keep rationalizing why your moral pedestal was too lofty to vote for Kamala.
Only fascists can be accurately represented by Kamala Harris.
So you really think we're better off with Bonespurs? Cuz realistically he was the only other viable choice, and reality trumps moral purity pedestals.
Because yes, "the left" never changes anything, and only goes further right.
(hint: That's not how this works)
Over the decades we've made massive strides in equal rights for various marginalized groups. But sometimes the dance takes a step backwards before moving forward again.
Homie, the Democraes right now are pretty much as much on the political right as the republicans were in the 90s.
Smugly claiming "that's not how this works" isn't as good a point as you think it is.
In an American vacuum I could see where you are coming from. In comparison with literally the entire rest of the world, it is clearly a flawed standpoint.
The American Democratic party is the oldest standing political party in the entire world. It last changed it's political stances in the 1960's and not because they wanted to, but because they needed to respond to the Republicans flipping the entire south in their favor.
Other countries have real leftist parties that actually get government members elected.
IMO the only way around this problem in the USA is to either (A) get a third party to the point of legitimacy where people will take them seriously be winning seats in the house and senate, and eventually running for the presidency, or (B) win a primary in one of the two major parties. By election day there is nothing to do but vote for the least worst option.
Gotta switch to Approval Voting for single-seat elections and the proportional variant for legislatures.
That would help
Honestly I'm just at the point where I'm sitting back watching this country be torn apart. Everything anyone ever has done is wrong but also maybe it's right and everyone acts like they know which is which. The country is entirely divided when the war within itself kicks off I'll be just on my porch watching because I'm done trying to make heads or tails of this mess.
This is true, but it's also STILL WORSE to vote for the greater evil. You need to change the options available to you to fix this.
It's also true that you get backlashes normally if the system doesn't get to far out of wack. FDR wasnt right of Hoover Coolridge and Harding. Sure one can argue overall we were shifting to the right... But we were NEVER going to be left of center so long as the U.S. existed, because the constitution is built on capitalism. Capitalism has a slow decay, can it be fixed? Maybe. Is it fixable now, maybe not. Could we have fixed it if we followed Carter with a closer to center President instead of Reagan, A LOT easier to have done it then... It took 60 years to get taxes on the rich to this point.
I don't think the constitution is very capitalist tbh
I want to kill all the honkeys. therefore we should kill half the honkeys
You're wasting your vote if you don't choose to kill half the honkeys!!
Is this dialectics
With only manufactured circumstance to fuel completely arbitrary result.
Stay in school, kids.
Run for office and be the lesser evil.
do you mean of not voting for them?
people don't vote, democrats lose, they think it's because they're too far left and move further to the right. meanwhile republican victories embolden them to push even harder into fascism
I vote for them, they move right. I don't vote for them, and vote third party, they move right. I join their party and vote in their primary's for progressive candidates, they move right.
It's almost like a bunch of really old, well off, lifetime establishment government folks just actually want to be conservative authoritarians. At BEST they are stuck in a mindset of 1969's ideas of what progressive politics are because that is when they became politicians.
They've obviously lost the thread and who could blame them? They've been locked up with conservatives for 50+ years. That would be enough to have me blow my brains out.
The point is the whole DNC is a rotten corpse. Maybe at one time the candidates had an ideology but now they've fought every fight they're willing to fight and just want to be old and not bothered. Except they don't want to give up their power. Which is frightening. From their perspective they've only made it this far by clenching tight to power for as long as they could and can't imagine a world where they just live at harmony with people around them. They lose all their clout. No one needs them anymore and they rot to nothing. That's the fear at least.
Everyday I'm more convinced the thing that got us where we are is American hyper competitive mentality. We have to work endlessly. We have to score the best grades. We have to make the most money.
Why can't we just take pride in living peacefully. This is what all the Trumpers are upset about, honestly. They want to be able to live in their podunk town. Doing their unimportant job. Liking the same things their mommy and daddy liked and be unbothered. Culturally that's fucked and we've seen why but idealistically it's fine. We need unimportant people to do unimportant things and be more or less just like the ones who came before. So why not reward it?
I'm rambling.
I'm not an American but I would argue that Biden's resignation was in part due to people threatening to not vote. This wasn't a move to the left but organized threats of not voting can make a difference.
Personally, I would vote for the lesser evil unless there was some kind of organized movement. Where I live, we have more than 2 evils to choose from and I choose the smallest of them.
Biden was incapable of clearly communicating verbally for 2 hours straight in a debate. I'd argue that Biden stayed in as long as he did to enable them to feel empowered to force another Kamala on us rather than having to deal with a Warren, Sanders or even a Buttigieg winning the Primary. Kamala was 6th in line in the Primary when she dropped out in 2020.
people don’t vote, democrats lose, they think it’s because they’re too far left and move further to the right.
People vote, Democrats win, they think it's because they moved to the right and so they move further to the right. The sun comes up in the morning and they move further to the right.
With no scale this is absolutely meaningless
lol, get this nerd. It’s not meant to be a scientific graph like a Moody diagram for calculating things from, it’s illustrating a concept which it does perfectly.
Ok. So apply this to 2016. The left choice was establishment neoliberal who if had won would have put left leaning judges on the Supreme Court ensuring the court for decades. Since she lost a far right extremist won who captured the judicial branch. I guess this doesn't count because people didn't vote for the lesser evil. Or does it?
So the following election again was establishment neoliberalism who won and basically had the most progressive policy's of the last century. I guess that moved us right?
Next election, let's see, establishment neoliberal again. Hard to pinpoint if she was more left or less left because she ran a campaign catering to "on the fence conservatives" but was part of a very progressive administration.
Maybe this what happens when you don't vote for the lesser evil. That's all I see.
The image only works if the right always wins though?
The "lesser evil" won in 2020. We didn't move back to the left.
Things move to the right when the right wins. Things move to the left when the left wins. If the center wins, then things don't move much at all. The lesser evil prevents greater evil