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New housing development outside of San Antonio Texas called “Dream Collection” by their developer Lennar. Most floorplans are under 700ft^2

I can only assume that by “dream collection” they are talking about the act of collecting your hopes and dreams to smash them up and turn them into shareholder value

  • What if we built combloc sadness housing, but we spread all the blocks around like Legos on the floors of god's living room so they had none of the advantages of apartment blocks and also made them cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and also isolated them in the burbs.

  • Okay those houses look like shit, but I will point out that the ground being all torn up and piles of construction debris being everywhere is pretty normal for mid-development complexes.

  • Why are there so few windows and why are they so small? It wouldn't be terrible housing if there was greenery, few cafes and shops around and the whole thing was more lively but that won't fly with American zoning laws.

  • In a vague way it reminds of the ticky-tacky houses in the song Little Boxes

    Little Boxes

    A huge difference is that the ticky-tacky houses were bland and generic but nice. Those depressing gray houses look like they belong in Japanese internment camp - to steal a joke from this thread.

  • It's good that people are getting a chance to build equity that otherwise wouldn't be. Home ownership is one of the very few reliable avenues for wealth creation in the US. If you don't own your own home you will work until you die. Probably if you do as well, but definitely if you don't.

    They definitely look like shit though. I agree w others that duplexes even would make more sense.

    • the value of real estate is directly related through rents and mortgages to porky's ability to extract surplus value from the working class. it's only a reliable avenue for wealth creation because the system is rigged from the ground up so that most people will be stuck working until they die. building a bunch of cheaply made tiny homes in a massive sprawl won't fundamentally change that.

      • No it won't, but short of land reform or the overthrow of capitalism affordable housing is good

        It's just shouldn't look like shit or be in the middle of nowhere

  • If your trying to save space why not make them town homes??? Why does it look like they tossed them around randomly on the lot??? Why are they in a white void of nothingness??? Why are all the doors and windows open when it looks so humid????????? This place looks abandoned.