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Missing my little boy today.

In 5 days it will be a month since he passed and it still feels like yesterday he was here. I still wake up in the morning looking for him or when I get food out of the fridge expecting him to come looking for butter. I miss my cat to hell and most days I'm good at keeping myself occupied and distracted but today it just didn't work and I longed for him.

Here a picture of him for you hexbear I don't think I ever shared. I love you Wolfie.

  • I'm so sorry comrade, I felt similar feelings when my old dog died

    I felt like I had lost a part of myself when she died and I'd be lying if I said that I don't still feel that way even if those feelings don't surface as much as they did 5 or 6 years ago when the pain was still fresh

    These days the best and worst times are when I see her in my dreams and I'm happy because I get my dog back but even if my brain can momentarily forget the truth in dreams my heart cannot so I always start crying in the dream and remember that she's really gone

    I can completely relate to looking over at the spot they would usually be out of habit, definitely was doing that for a few months

    I just wish I could help

  • My childhood Chihuahua is 14 years old, family adopted him as puppy when I was in middle school. Cats and dogs don't live nearly as long as humans for some fucked up reason, I cry every single time I think about it. I know these next few years together will be our last, so I make an effort to treasure and appreciate every moment with him, but seeing his fur go gray and his body slowing down weighs hard on my soul no matter how much I try not to think about it.

  • fam i feel this... we lost both of our ladies within a year of each other and we were crushed. it just takes time... give yourself time to grieve but know they were loved. and i'm sure you did all you could.

  • I never thought I would grieve for my bearded dragon as much as I did, but I realized with time that it was because so much of my very identity had been formed around her being something strange and unique that I took care of. People asked me about her, they would want to see the lizard when they came over, I had to make trips to the speciality pet store that sold proper food for her, etc. When she wasn't around, so many parts of my daily life brought her back to my thoughts so often that it was like a raw spot that couldn't quite scab over.

    One thing that worked for me was paradoxically diving into those feelings of longing, letting my imagination for just a moment convince itself that I really was feeling her little claws in my palm again, and weirdly it worked for me well enough to smooth over the grieving process, which is neurologically very similar to the process of learning and which takes real resources to do.

  • that's a beautiful picture of him, it really shows off the colors of his eyes and fur.

    sometimes they leave a hole that is just impossible to fill. 💔 I used to have a dog that was incredibly sweet when I cried, who would sit at my feet and gently kiss me no matter how hard I sobbed. my current dogs just go lay down and take a nap, and I miss that sweet one every time I'm upset.

    thinking of you