Exclusive: Trump transition wants to scrap crash reporting requirement opposed by Tesla
Exclusive: Trump transition wants to scrap crash reporting requirement opposed by Tesla
Exclusive: Trump transition wants to scrap crash reporting requirement opposed by Tesla
He's gonna cram through a half baked autopilot, sell it to everyone, and kill so many people without reporting any of the accidents and pass the fault to the driver.
The insurance companies will have their own numbers like with the cybertruck. It will be interesting to see them weigh in.
Good. If you buy a Tesla, you take your chances.
Sadly it's probably gonna take out pedestrians
Folks, Trump used to warn years ago about US becoming a Banana Republic. Well THIS is what a banana republic looks like. It's no longer USA. It's USB - United States of Banana republics - USB.
I'm shocked, shocked! Well, not that shocked.
Is it illegal to bribe a president?
If it ever was, no not anymore