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Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted?

This is a genuine question.

I have a hard time with this. My righteous side wants him to face an appropriate sentence, but my pessimistic side thinks this might have set a great example for CEOs to always maintain a level of humanity or face unforseen consequences.

P.S. this topic is highly controversial and I want actual opinions so let's be civil.

And if you're a mod, delete this if the post is inappropriate or if it gets too heated.

  • Yes, I do.

    I want the state to make it crystal clear that this guy was the shooter. That he did it. That he had no legal justification to do it. That his actions were undeniably criminal, and that his crime was clearly premeditated.

    And then I want a jury of his peers to return a "not guilty" verdict, and every scumbag business executive across the country suddenly deciding to take an early retirement.

    His jury can't return that not guilty verdict if he isn't prosecuted.

  • Sometimes people provide a public service to humanity is very dark ways. Do not turn this guy in.

  • Jury selection question to weed out biased jurors: "Have you ever had a claim that was unfairly denied?"

    Weeks later: "We have been unable to find enough jurors to try the case."

  • Theoretically: no.

    In practice, in the world we're living in? Hell no.

    Any attempt to prosecute the killer would simply add to the advantage the ruling class already have, and be basically an injustice by definition no matter how "by the book" could it have been approached in the otherwise wondrful and illusory world of theory.

  • An answer to a different question, but if he gets caught I hope that the media gives him the same treatment as school shooters; plastering his image everywhere, distributing his manifesto and transforming him into an antihero.

    Update: It's happening!

  • You're asking the wrong question.

    This is a story about two people. One committed an enormous act of violence and another person shot that person.

    The question is: should the CEO have been prosecuted for his violent crimes?

  • I know the mods on are deleting posts educating US citizens on their legal right to nullification if they're appointed to a jury, but I'll say it anyway. You can simply just refuse to find someone guilty, even if there's every bit of evidence and a video recorded confession.

  • Honestly, no.

    Not that I'm saying it's okay to just murder folks, but, with the amount of people the people of his class have killed (either via policies or just the general fucked up shit they do), it seems hypocritical. This man was making 10mil a year killing his customers to fatten his pockets. More money than he could ever spend and still wanted more, like all of them do. People have been killed for less, by police, with them only getting paid leave, so why should I be up in arms now when they called me a terrorist for protesting, when they said "my kind" are damaging the country. People have tried to be reasonable for far too long imo, but the oligarchs just tell us to wait for the trickle down.

    They can wait for my fucks to trickle down 🤷🏿‍♀️

  • I want him prosecuted, and freed by jury nullification.

    Let them see that yes this was murder, but the people agree with it.

  • I want it treated like every other murder in New York. I want the police to spend 5 minutes pretending to look for the perpetrator, shrug their shoulders, say "nothing could be done, thoughts and prayers", then throw this into the perpetually growing pile of unsolved murders and move on with their day.

    That's what they do when anyone else in the city or state is murdered, this guy doesn't deserve special attention. If they want to solve murders they should solve every murder, not just the billionaire's murder.

  • People are saying he wasn't murdered, he just dropped to the ground alone, nobody in the street with him. There's even video, nobody is there...

  • Yes, of course he must be prosecuted if he can be found. As a member of the general population I feel as though it's possible that a jury wouldn't convict him and could even find him not guilty. Then he is a free man.

    Until his identity is known I shall call him Attaboy Goodman, and if a jury were to convene with me on it, I would be unlikely to take seriously any claim by the state that this vigilantism is somehow more destructive of public order than police murdering and robbing people while ignoring wage theft and corporate crimes.