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AI Code.
  • Been using copilot and another smaller AI model for hobby projects. Both of them slowed me down as much as they helped me with my code.

    Now I've switched to supermaven free tier, and it's actually net positive for me.

    It's not like it's writing whole functions for me, but it's actually quite context sensitive when it comes to defining functions and using them with the same parameters and things like that. I won't say I am 50% faster, but I could easily attribute a 30% development boost to it. Now mind you, for bug fixes and bug prevention that's back down to a 5% boost in speed, but that's still a net positive, so I'll take that.

  • Was the creation of the universe politically motivated or was it done for other reasons?
  • I mean I appreciate the joke but this is a question community, so I understand why people who don't get the reference are gonna answer that. No need to get groggy.

  • Men of Lemmy: serious question, would you have a romantic relationship with a radfem?
  • You might not wanna hear this:

    Depends on your definition of radfem and on how well we fit and how they are

    • if we don't match, nah
    • if their vibe is completely off to the point I'm not sure I'll be alive after that week, nah
    • if their beliefs get in the way of a relationship, nah

    Otherwise sure I guess? This a really vague question so if you are more specific, I could get you a better answer.

  • "Skip ad's" YouTube and "Skip Intro" on Netflix take the same amount of effort but I only hate the former.
  • Because on Netflix what you're skipping is something you expect and maybe even want to see. On YouTube it's ads, which you don't necessarily expect nor want to see. And the skip button is just associated with that.

    Also, on YouTube you sometimes have to skip multiple consecutive ads, sometimes you have to wait for a few seconds, and sometimes you can't skip them at all. It's not made to be practical, it's made to serve you as much ad-time as possible, as that is the bread and butter for YouTube (contrary to popular belief they don't make a lot of money, so it makes sense. Although I'm not sure I like they way they try to make money to stay in business).

  • When you inhale helium from a balloon, do you weigh less?
  • They do but the amount of information is way smaller for the others. With your search engine of choice you'll find the posts though if there are any.

  • Balatro is now out on Mobile. Humanity is doomed.
  • Played it on PC and it's really cool, although I was hesitant at first considering it looks a bit like those cookie cutter role based rpgs that just want to rent a spot in your wallet.

  • Top EU Court’s Advisor Explains Why Video Game Cheats Are Not Copyright Infringement
  • Yeah honestly this makes a lot of sense to me.

  • I always get them confused.
  • Omg I wanna go there now

  • Trying to come up with a list of vague words for different "kinds of animals". Help?
  • Reading the comments on this makes me realize how often we think about animals, considering we apparently have thousands of different ways to categorize them, even if it's more by vibe than anything else...

  • Top EU Court’s Advisor Explains Why Video Game Cheats Are Not Copyright Infringement
  • Their lawyers are vocally rubbing their hands rn

  • Message icon doesn't go away from private messages
  • Yeah been having a new message indicator as well even though there is no new notification when I click on it.

  • New law will change how always-online games are sold, at least in California
  • Right after Ubisoft added an offline mode for the crew 2 iirc

  • I always get them confused.
  • Why does this analogy make sense to me for some reason?

  • The camel was already miserable way before that last straw.
  • Your first paragraph makes a lot of sense to me.

    The second paragraph I have a very different opinion on, because there's a difference between patterns of abuse and having to deal with a shitty situation a few times. And although there's people who don't take any shit and will fit you for small inconveniences, there's also a lot of people who have learned to endure almost every situation for way too long.

    My mom has been working overtime for years and I'm scared she'll get overwhelmed eventually. Every one of our band mates got bullied in school and just endured it. A school friend told me he was the black sheep in an Asian family and he just had accept it. I'm sure he's way past his limit but he'll still try with them. A friend of mine has a dad with narcissistic tendencies and a mom with major health issues and an aunt who almost killed her multiple times intentionally already. I tend to not speak up because sometimes I get it wrong and it fucks me up in major ways.

    As you can see I know a lot of people who wait way too long until they change things, and if they spike up a bit more, they could be holding a successful job and maybe even keep their sanity. Goes to show that everyone is different and every social dynamic is unique.

  • What's the mayoral scene where you live like?
  • One of the bigger cities in Germany.

    We have a mayor for our district, who is basically a blank slate to 95% of people. It doesn't help that he lives together with his family in a different district. He is a member of one of our political parties and specifically one I don't particularly like.

    For some reason I was in the same school class with his son, who was pretty chill, but got very annoying when it came to politics (of course).

    So basically the mayor does a lot of city management stuff but the average person has no clue who he is or what exactly he does.

    I would imagine that's very unique compared to most other countries but I'm not sure.

  • What's a trait you look for in potential partners that seems uniquely in your trait wishlist?
  • Yeah the other comment is kinda rude but I genuinely wanna know

  • The camel was already miserable way before that last straw.
  • I guess it is very interesting to think about that analogy, cause I never fully thought about that.

    The camel was miserable before.

    Which means the camel tried to last through it until it broke the camel's metaphorical back. Which I guess also tells me that if someone says that to me, they are saying someone suffered through something way too long until they finally reacted. I never really thought about it as a hint that you didn't have to bear something, you could have spoken up earlier already.

    This explanation might be too detailed but I just realized that so maybe this is interesting to someone else.

  • Mozilla hit with privacy complaint over Firefox user tracking
  • Hopefully this makes some of the Firefox shills finally realize it's time to change our recommendations.

    I've heard so much shit lately about Firefox, it has become a sinking ship and I'm eager to see who picks up the shards and runs with it.

  • I love people with kids who are oblivious they're shitty parents.
  • The biggest child in the room is that pain in the ass of a parent.

  • Removed
    I guess some browsers are "building a better Internet" more than others.
  • Been using Vivaldi for about 2 years now.

    Old Vivaldi was ass, the new vivaldi is awesome from a usability perspective. A ton of customizability, very clean, advanced features like workspaces and tab groups, ...

    Honestly the only things I'm missing is custom browser base (not chromium) and easier switching between browser profiles (cookies etc).

    Yes, it is based on Chromium. But in the Chromium universe, it's the best thing I've seen to date, no doubt.

  • Ads with full volume?

    I just had an ad appear while scrolling through the comment section of a post.

    No big deal in itself, but: the ad started to play at volume even though I put my media viewer in auto mute. It's night and I don't wanna wake people up with videos I never even wanted to see and even tho I didn't click anything wrong.

    Is this how it should be? Is there an option to disable audio on ads? I have auto mute on enabled for my media viewer; why does this not automatically apply to ads as well?

    I get that this app has ads to survive but there's always a nice and a really annoying way to do it and this is definitely on the annoying side for me rn.

    Random black screens

    I switched to Windows 11 about a year ago. A few months ago my PC started randomly crashing and rebooting, without any blue screens.

    Am I the only one? Does someone know anything about this?

    Pretty sure I can rule out power surges or overheating or stuff like that. There's been no indication. The system log is empty as well, apart from Windows being annoyed that it just got restarted without any notice.

    UI elements not visible on pictures

    For me in the top of the image, there should be download button and stuff.

    The top is white and the symbols are white. There's no gradient. I literally can't see it.

    I know this is dumb but I think it's also an easy fix as the bottom already has a gradient.

    Edit: credits to the OP of this
