I'm sorry, HOW much snow are we getting Windows 10?
I'm sorry, HOW much snow are we getting Windows 10?
Go home, you're drunk.
I'm sorry, HOW much snow are we getting Windows 10?
Go home, you're drunk.
Oh god oh fuck
We on that sun's plasma heat shit now.
This is actually a reasonable cold temperature in °F. For non-Americans, the solid/liquid/vapor triple point of water is 32768°F. This scale was invented by Americans for convenient computer representation in an unsigned 16-bit integer.
For Americans, the much more reasonable °C scale uses a triple point of 0.01°C.
Ah TIL. Here I thought it was just windows crapping out.
Lieberals say climate change is real, well then why is it snowing 🙄
It's snowing diamond dust, holy fuck
diamond gas