Remember kids, only genociders are allowed to fight, victims must meekly submit or be Just As Bad(tm)
Remember kids, only genociders are allowed to fight, victims must meekly submit or be Just As Bad(tm)
Remember kids, only genociders are allowed to fight, victims must meekly submit or be Just As Bad(tm)
To be fair, thats what a school fight is like.
Bully punch someone, administrators dont care, you fight back, boom suspension and possible police intervention.
I was the victim of the bully. 😡
I hate bullies, putin is a bully.
Free Ukraine! Death to putin! Free Russia from Tyranny!
Ez logic. Bully them at another time!
(This is for school, and a joke. Not war )
I really don't think they understand how this whole war thing works.
Neither do many commenters online supposedly advocating for peace or saying that Ukraine fighting back is escalation.
To them, any number of Ukrainian lives is worth the 'moral high ground' of turning the other cheek.
"Wait, you're telling me the people I'm attacking are allowed to retaliate?"
I'm pretty sure I saw the thread that inspired this. Spot on meme, good work.
Bu-but hitting back is escalatory!
I wonder why 'gopnik politics' isn't a real term yet.
Sure they both launch big bombs at each other
one side has ten missiles (and a buddy that can give them ten more)
the other side has a thousand
doesn't matter what anyone likes to argue, people are going to die and the only way to stop is to negotiate
"An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth leaves a world full of blind, toothless people"
That only works if the other guy stops punching you when you try to negotiate.
doesn’t matter what anyone likes to argue, people are going to die and the only way to stop is to negotiate
Oh cool, let's negotiate for genocide. That way people will stop dy-
Oh, genocide means the exact opposite?
Huh. Weird.
“An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth leaves a world full of blind, toothless people”
And refusing an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth leaves a world subdued into abject slavery by people willing to commit violence on innocents to get whatever they want - including the thrill of committing violence on innocents.
This is "Gandhi writing to Britain and saying they should surrender to the Nazis because nonviolence is the highest principle" level bullshit.
doesn’t matter what anyone likes to argue, people are going to die and the only way to stop is to negotiate
OK agreed there, but question, what if the only negotiation the other side offers is "We take all your stuff and you serve us".
So Ukraine should just roll over and let Russia try to wipe out Ukrainians from the country? Seems like that nice little saying only applies when you're not talking about a war instigated by a psychopath.
Yes, because as we know Ruzzia has a wonderful track record with negotiations and can 100% be trusted to Do the Right Thing™
Why focus on the missles and not focus on Russia who started the war and who could literally end it if they wanted to? Their entire negotiations revolve around "give us what we want or else".
The last time Ukraine surrendered to Russia, Russia genocided 10% of their population. That was after their so-called "peace".
This isn't anything to negotiate. Ukraine doesn't want to fight, but Russia is attacking them on their own land. If you had any principles you'd also be willing to die on that hill. Their way of life and very existence is threatened. This isn't like haggling over a car
When the side you are negotiating with is a bully that keeps "negotiating" after invading more of your homeland and will just do that again in a few years, you stop negotiating and take what is yours back and make sure they remember that.
Sometimes negotiating amounts to enabling.
Agreed. Ukraine won't exist if everyone there's dead. As is they're going to have a demographic crisis. Continuing the fight might actually be the genocide people here are apparently afraid of
Please look up the definition.