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So... are Lemmy users also generally crypto supporters?

Just got very lightly flamed by another user for making fun of crypto and was told that Lemmy and crypto have “the exact same advantages and disadvantages”. Now I disagree heavily there, since even if it shares some principles I’d argue that the scale of the problems change when you’re talking about a global finance system versus a social media platform filled with beans. But it did get me curious- how many of you are crypto supporters?

  • No, fuck crypto. At best it's a solution looking for a problem while speedrunning a century of banking regulation reform, at worst it's an environmentally disastrous scam.

  • i’m generally anti-crypto. i’m not against it fully, i think it has a purpose but that purpose is not unstable, highly volatile investments, meme coins, or play-to-earn games.

    • What is the purpose then? To me it just seems like a solution looking for a problem, and that's not a good way to make solutions.

      • i suppose i should have said it could have had a purpose. i think it was initially conceived as a way to make private purchases, perhaps of things one might not want tracked back to them. for a simple example, i always pay cash when i visit a dispensary, even though many of them take cards now, because i don’t care for my bank to know that i am making that purchase. if i could pay with cryptocurrency at the dispensary, keeping that transaction more private, i would. but crypto has ceased to be a private currency, and turned into extremely volatile investments. who would want to make a purchase with crypto when it could skyrocket in value the next day and you’ve suddenly spent more than you thought, or the vendor has made less than they thought when the values plummet?

        as it is now, it has no real purpose. it could have though. you are right that as it stands it is a solution looking for a problem.

        right now it’s purpose is to tell me who i should avoid

  • The technology has potential but right now it's mainly being used either to buy illicit goods or separate fools from money.

    Lemmy is free to use. If you give money to an instance owner, at least you know it's a donation and that you'll never get it back.

  • Lol, no I am not. Crypto in it's current form, is not going to be a legitimate, stable, daily use currency. Digital money/systems with technological roots in crypto may be the future but it will be a 2nd cousin, once removed, at best.

    NFTs as implemented, are also pure BS.

  • No. One is a decentralized social media platform. The other is an environmentally irresponsible pyramid scheme. They have nothing to do with each other.

  • Nope. Closest thing I do to crypto is purchase satoshis to fund value for value in Podcasting 2.0, and that one time I bought doge in the dip that it never really rose from, but that's it.

  • Not a fan. I made some money with crypto, lost some as well. It's pretty much useful just for speculation (which really is just gambling but with a fancier name). Cryptobros and their wet dreams of web3 shall forever go unfulfilled.

  • I think in the early days it was because most here were left-leaning or libertarians, but now that the general public is starting to move in, it's more neutral/slightly negative.

  • I think cryptocurrency is a cool concept and can definitely have some legitimate uses. I just don't think we've figured that part out yet. I'm firmly in the camp of "I do not support it but also am not against it".

  • i mean if you use stuff like monero to pay anonymously yeah sure go ahead but majority of crypto are just shitty scams.

    or you could just pay with cash, the original anonymous payment method

  • I use Monero to pay for online services such as VPN, hosting, domains, VPS, E2EE cloud hosting, solely because I don't want to be on someone's list of customers and I don't want constant spam. Same reason I pay cash in stores and don't have loyalty cards. Might be very slightly more pricey that way but the reward for me is no marketing teams to deal with.

  • There's a lot of federated (and now defederate) servers that are run by political and/or economic pariahs likely ousted by content flags/bans concerning spam. Now that regular folks are moving in though, the dynamics are quickly changing to a more common ideology.

  • I've generally been seeing the opposite sentiment on Lemmy and I'm here for it. Crypto bros can stay on the other site.

  • Not a crypto hater so much as the idea of it goes.

    It's a lot like the rest of the internet: anonymous things moving and interacting can be unpredictable. From what I've seen on the dark net, I'd assume we will see the same extremes manifesting in transactions; that is that it will be very helpful for crimes, but also very helpful for ppl who need weed medically but can't get it legally, ppl who need money because they are pursued politically, or ppl in other dire circumstances.

    It's all very complex, and I think there is a legit good reason for it. That said, I'm not the person to judge what outweighs, I just know it's far more complex than "crypto bad" or "crypto yes". Let's just hope whoever will be in this position is far knowledgeable in that regard than me.

    Sincerely, a small developer and 3d artist.

  • The hivemind of Lemmy has been the opposite so far in my experience. I'm probably what most here would call a "crypto bro," though I wouldn't call myself that.

    It's weird to me that the occupy wallstreet folks are all like "banks do it better." It's also weird to me that it's gotten so polarizing. You don't have to be a libertarian to see its benefits, and you don't have to be a communist to want scammers locked up.