Blowback season 7 is gonna be wild.
Blowback season 7 is gonna be wild.
Blowback season 7 is gonna be wild.
It makes the "we must save democracy" calls ring hollow when they'll destroy it for 231million people as soon as a country doesn't want to do what they demand.
If the liberals gave a shit about democracy they'd be all over this, but they're not.
But have you considered
The partition of India was one of the greatest disasters of the 20th century. A major factor in the Sino-Soviet split as well.
partition of India
2 million dead 20 million displaced, this should be spoken off in the same breath as the holocaust
Large scale British lead genocide.
Remember when this would have at least been a little bit of a scandal?
We are so boned.
I thought this article was going to be fake when I first saw it posted because it hits so many - i don't want to call them buzzwords - but current international political topics I guess. Was also sure it was going to be a Grayzone article. Glad it's a slightly more reputable news source for when/if I share this at all.
Do you mind filling me in on what happened with the Grayzone? I'm a bit out of the loop on them.
It's wild to think that if Iran-Contra happened today it would be no big deal.
So this is just Iran-Contra with a minor plot twist and the cast replaced, right?
It actually worse because the weapons deal in I-C was not directly providing hardware to the death squads, only funding as far as I recall.
This is inverted in that Pakistan is sending weapons to the new death squads in exchange for a loan from what I've gleaned.
Biden admin doing the Reagan but with more neoliberalism.