Kitty cat engagement photo
Kitty cat engagement photo
Kitty cat engagement photo
Ohhhhh......please don't teach your cats that washers/driers are fun kitty hangouts. You have orange cats, and it's especially true for black cats, but any cat can get acceidently not seen. Then you close the washer, turn it on, and THEN the cat starts making noise. Except, the foor is locked, and filling with water. Even assuming you know which breaker to flip, or even if you just flip the main switch and cut power to the whole house, it still won't unlock the door. And there's still water in there. Hopefully you caught it before there's enough water to drown the cat. Still though, even if it's only belly high, cats still hate that. Plus now there's soap all over her, and you'll need to give her an actual bath, so she isn't licking soap, or worse, bleach, off her cat hair.
My grandma had a story about how my dad killed a cat in the 60s just by turning on the drier. My dad REFUSED to get a cat my whole childhood because of it. And I love cats. He was afraid I'd kill it. He also refused to let me do laundry.
Downvoting this out of principle. Do not ever let your cats rest in laundry machines. I cannot stress enough that a simple mistake will kill or at best brutally injure your cats if you accidentally run the machine with them in it.
My car floor mat agrees. I’ve washed it ten times and only after getting a special cat urine removing spray it stopped smelling like a hobo.
If it was the seat or it leaked into the carpet I’d be fucked.
I got my cushy mattress cover back from the cleaners yesterday and made my bed. All afternoon I was looking forward to getting into it. Nice dinner with my honey, bottle of wine, get ready for bed, WTF!!! Through the waterproof (ha!) cover that i keep on the bed, through the bedspread, through the sheets, into the mattress cover that i just paid $35 to have cleaned!!!
Forbidden load of laundry.
Makes me nervous looking at this.
I was cooking something in the oven and had my oven open and my cat walked by, then I started having intrusive thoughts fearing that my cat would get caught in the oven. And I just told my cat loudly "Noooooo get away from the oven its dangerous". I think I might have to spray my cat with water any time she gets near the ovens.
Please dont put your cats in the washer.
One time I had a candle lit, and my cat was on the floor looking at it with those eyes. You know the ones. The eyes that IMMEDIATELY give away that she's thinking about doing something bad. I was in the kitchen, but the way the walls are cut out you can see this ledge of the kitchen from the living room.
So the candle is on the ledge, and I'm thinking "she's going to try to knock the candle to the floor, and set the whole house on fire!!!"
So I grabbed two pans and started banging them together while running at her, and yelling HEY SPEED!!! YOU SEE ME SPEED!!!! HEEEYYYY SPEEEED!!!! SPEED SPEED SPEED!!!! all while banging a frying pan against a pot. Basically just making scary loud noises. And I did this for 10 minutes. It made her afraid of candles. Which is fine. I never had my house set on fire.
This is how you handle it.
God, I knew someone who accidentally killed a kitten this way, and the guilt really ruined their mental health.
Happened to my aunt who didn't notice young kitten go in there before turning it on.
So horrible. In the 15 years I’ve had cats, I always, ALWAYS check. Better to check a thousand times without need, than to live with that regret.
SIL lost a kitty that way.
My mother nearly did this to her cat. Luckily she heard after a single rotation and flung herself at the machine and got the very upset cat out.
It's why my entire laundry room is forbidden to cats, and is checked every time anyway.
This isnt cute.
Encouraging this behavior is setting your cats up for a miserable, awful, torturous death.
And when it happens, It will be 100% your fault and you will find no respite from the blame.
Uhh looks around fearfully at other comments c-congrats!
The cycle was on floofy.