Mama's boy
Mama's boy
Mama's boy
It bothers me that Oedipus wasn't even aware that she was his mother, and Freud named it that anyway
Ya and if memory serves i think he clawed his own eyes out and committed suicide after finding out.
Obsessed with a mother figure, destiny controlled by a higher authority which withholds the full picture, and he literally kink-shamed himself to death.
Oedipus was the quintessential Catholic before Catholicism existed.
Yeah, that's the whole point. It's a subconscious drive.
Brings a whole new meaning to "MILF".
No it doesn't
It happens unconsciously during 3 to 6 years of age. So, it's not exactly the MILF type of thing.
Uh, just a shopping complex near where I live…
Btw, did Freud just reflect his kink or did he grow up in a messed up family?