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  • Social murder is social murder. There is no such thing as harm reduction. There's only how many people give a shit about it.

  • LGBTQ+ and POC living in red states already have it shitty under a Democrat president and Kamala wasn't going to lift a finger to improve their lives. At best we would have seen the status quo maintained or possibly a slow worsening as more red states pushed for incr3asingly discriminatory policy.

    Blue states aren't exactly havens either as we see a militarization of police to deal with dissent (be it BLM or the Gaza protests) and I can only see that trend continuing. General inaction and complacency is also leaving them open to losses to Republicans who may attempt to enact some of the policies that have been enacted in red states.

    Not to say there isn't anything to worry about. I think if Republicans have all branches of the government there is a very distinct possibility that national bans on abortion and trans rights will pass.

  • I think the only difference we will see is better reporting on the bad things the govt was doing/gonna do under Joe/kammy.

    I wanted kam to win tho, so libs could see years of wasting away under Dems instead of the Trump effect which will allow the D party to get record donations while they hide their rightward slide from the brunch loyalists for another 4-8 years