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  • I don't think anything major will happened to be honest. The energy of this election doesn't feel right to me for it, plus the precedent means DC will be more ready. The Trump hogs aren't organized and they don't have the material precarity to risk jail time, despite how they hoot and holler about how bad they have it.

  • Won’t be national scale. There’ll be some scattered bullshit, I’m sure there’ll be some protests and some might get “out of hand” like J6. They don’t really have an organised mass movement to do more than that. Maybe the odd lunatic will do some stochastism but that’s just your average day in amerikkka.

  • I think Biden will have a massive National Guard, etc presence in DC at least ~7 days before January 6th. The message will be they aren't fucking around and any violence will get the hogs arrested immediately. The hogs will get the message.

    Also I think there's a pretty good chance sometime after election day and before January 6th the GOP justices override the vote and make him president. Maybe mid or late December.

  • On one hand it went poorly enough last time for the people that did it and it didn’t solve anything for them, so you’d think that would be a deterrent.

    On the other hand these are Americans were talking about here, and they are famously stupid.

  • I'm going to go against the hexbear grain and say there's a possibility that Trump might not only try to steal it again, but he might do it more competently this time.

  • Heres the thing. US police like to just let chuds do what they want. So i think theres a chance a few random chuds could like take state capitol buildings hostage and the police will be like omg what do we do lets just stand around cuz we cant fight our fellow chuds! But nothing will come of it itll just be more liberal hand wringing.

    Altho i feel like Trumps gonna win tbh.