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  • I started playing the new factorio dlc and then I remembered I suck at factorio. So I started playing viccy 3 and I remembered I suck at that too.

    So now I am planning on playing some openttd after work because somehow I am good at that game

    • I started playing the new DBZ Sparking! Zero after I broke down and bought it out of nostalgia for Tenkaichi 3 only to find I was seriously bad at it and forgot all my skills. But through a few helpful tutorials on youtube, some time beating the shit out of a practice dummy to relearn how to combo, and then slowly relearning the defensive game by just getting my ass handed to me over and over, I feel like I am actually getting decent again. Nowhere near as good as early twenties sweaty nerd me, but I feel less like I am flailing around mashing buttons now and more like the all powerful gods the characters are in the shows. It's been a fun time.

  • Battletech (2018) - it came out when I was totally burnt out on tactics RPGs, but I'm totally enjoying it right now

    Not much else - I've played a little of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, but it's not quite grabbing me

  • Been playing Satisfactory for a bit and it's clicking with me in a way that Factorio and Dyson Sphere Program never did. I think verticality is just a lot more fun for me, and lets me feel a little more architectural.

    Foolin' around with Qausimorph some too - pretty good roguelike, don't know if it really goes anywhere yet, but it's enjoyable enough to do a run or two. A little more tonally edgy than my preference.

    I have Banquet for Fools installed, but apparently it only has a few hours of content? It has a really interesting style and the qausi-turn-based ARPG system looks interesting, but I'm not sure if I should crack into it or wait.

  • After Portal 2 I started up Quantum Conundrum and remembered real quick that the game can be annoying. A lot of the puzzles feel like chores and aren't really fun.

    I'm in shutdown/waiting mode so Instead of being functional, I hopped back on X4 and let it idle a bit to work on my substrate factory and then did some stuff on the PHQ. Got attacked by a pirate and he nuked my shields before I realized what was going on since I was tabbed out browsing Hexbear. My pilot flew to an adjacent sector before I could get blow it up so that was cool. 60k in repairs.

  • I've been playing minecraft, some bedwars and trying to learn the 1.16.1 speedrun. Right now I need to practice my bastions and learn how to 1 cycle the dragon.

  • I got halfway through Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty and now the game just won't get past the loading screen anymore so I can't finish it.

    I was having fun too. The game is pretty easy and not at all like a Souls game mechanically even though that's a common comparison, unlike the Pinocchio game I still haven't played yet. Fitting with the theme, the first difficult boss was Lu Bu where the game really expects you to know how to parry. I'll try booting it up again in a few weeks and hopefully it randomly fixes itself after a Proton update or something.

  • UFO50 and Diceomancer, both are fantastic! Also some lethal company, plateup and remnant 2 with my friends. Want to try out the new factorio dlc but not sure if I want to sink the time it demands.

  • Played a variety of things.

    • Monster Hunter Rise, finished the base game final boss and continued doing some MR stuff, all solo. The final boss was actually surprisingly tricky solo because it seems to leave you very few openings. Really like that Sunbreak added the AI companions because all of my friends stalled out before the end of HR content.
    • Halls of Torment, trying to clear the Vault but haven't been able to. Got close on Shieldmaiden but ended up not being able to do enough damage to clear the hordes that were bubble-wrapping the boss and stalled out, then slowly died.
    • Satisfactory, kinda just playing with a friend when we're both available. Finished all the tech in Phase 2 and now it's just kind of a grind for the completed resources to get to Phase 3. Rather than properly building a factory for the inputs, I'm just manually moving them back and forth between supply crates. Might go for quartz while we wait because I think that's how you get the rollerskates.

    Two more were random picks from my backlog:

    • Orwell, an indie game about being an authoritarian government surveillance employee who uses social media and phone taps to spy on people and frame them for terrorism. Pretty short, the game really suffers from being 5 Chapters where the first 4 are tutorials and the last one is a ramp in difficulty with a time limit. Overall I'd say not great and holds your hand too much.
    • Dawn of War: Dark Crusade. It's from 2006 and boy does it feel like it; I really need to find a mod I can install to zoom out more and remap keys because the click and drag map scrolling is fucked on modern resolutions and I'd like to use WASD rather than arrow keys. I'm bad at RTS so I started an Eldar campaign on Easy difficulty and completely stomped the SM in my first two battles but then got absolutely destroyed by the Tau when I tried fighting them. Who thought that giving a faction invisible troops as their default unit was a good idea lmao.
  • Debating going to my fighting game local again this week because I've been practicing a lot of SF6 but I have very minor symptoms (slightly sore throat, very lightly runny nose) and I know I really shouldn't go but I barely ever have the actual free time to attend, and first time I managed to go I somehow went undefeated and everyone was super cool and nice.
