China, leader in EVs, could overtake the world in hydrogen mobility too
China, leader in EVs, could overtake the world in hydrogen mobility too
China, leader in EVs, could overtake the world in hydrogen mobility too
Does not matter, hydrogen is not really the future
We don't have any "green" hydrogen source at the moment. Hydrogen generation, currently, still releases carbon.
Hydrogen "engines" are only ~40% efficient compared to, say, BEVs that are ~80% efficient.
It's important to look, not only at the vehicle, but at the energy efficiency of the system as a whole.
Well-To-Wheel it's referred to as.
Gasoline: ~20%
Diesel: ~30%
H Fuel Cell: ~25%
BEV (fossil power): ~20%*
BEV (renewable): ~55%*
*BEV is highly dependent on energy source. Anwhere from ~20% WTW from natural gas power generation to 75% from roof-mounted solar.
Keep in mind this is a summary of a summary of a summary.
Yup, that's the problem.
we absolutely do have green hydrogen at the moment