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What class(es) do you tend to gravitate towards in video game rpgs?

Through my years of mmo and rpg gaming I've tended to swing between the two extremes of the warrior/wizard dynamic.

Some days I just want to be a dumb tank in full armor soaking up hits and acting as a wall for squishier classes. But then there's days where I love being a glass cannon that can kill something in 1-2 nukes but a strong breeze can kill me.

The least fun I've head with a class was as a healer druid in Everquest. Something so stressful about the party relying on you for heals and if you wipe it's generally your fault. idk how people dedicate themselves to a class like that.

  • The proletariat

    I generally lean towards classes with more mechanical complexity, so generally casters/status effect types. The gameplay loop needs to sate my ADHD, so if all I'm doing is smacking something with a sword by left clicking I'm quickly going to get bored and drop it.

  • Meme classes/builds. I don't know what's wrong with me. Maybe I've just shifted my younger "don't tell me what to do" perspective into spite for video game developers and their limitations.

    I always want to do the most unorthodox thing because I usually don't vibe well with the pre-defined classes in a lot of games. I've quit MMOs because I just don't like ANY of their classes as a whole package and wish they were more modular. That's why I loved Ragnarok Online so much and have played those WoW private servers that let you pick abilities from every class.

    I'll dual wield shields in Souls games, make a battle priest in games that try to force them into being healers (Ragnarok). I used heavy armor, a pistol, and a shield in Grim Dawn to essentially be the Terminator. I loved Puppetmaster, one of the least played classes, in FFXI. Blue Mage in FFXIV. Whatever the class was in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance that let you flip a coin to 50/50 kill yourself or an enemy. Tonfas (the worst weapon in the game) in Nioh.

    As long as the least played class isn't that because it's so unnecessarily complicated (Feral Druid many different times in WoW, etc) I naturally gravitate toward that a lot of the time. But it's really based on vibes. If I get a cool combination of race and starting armor, I might just go with a concept, like an anti-mage or something.

    Edit: I know I was supposed to hit you up to play Ragnarok sometime soon from a previous thread, but I started a Chinese class and got super busy

  • When I was a kid, mages - or whatever hacker type equivalent if it was a scifi or near future ttepg

    As an adult, gimme a big club to bonk enemies with.

  • I've always been the sneaky rogue type, but I haven't played as many TTRPGs as I'd like. And I just can't get into most video game RPGs, but my Skyrim character is always a stealth archer with a side of magic like everybody else's Skyrim character is.

  • I found the best class for the PC to be a combo of rogue skillbot with a dash of magical ability. You can usually fill in a weak melee front with party members, but oftentimes rpgs will suddenly remove you from your lockpicker/magic shit analyzer so having those skills on the one character all but guaranteed to be in the party is useful.

    • This is true and really annoying. It also means that you're usually stuck with whoever the Rogue companion is if you don't have those skills yourself, which you may or may not like. Baldur's Gate 3 was truly revolutionary by just letting you use the highest skills from your party members in most circumstances. But even PIllars of Eternity 2 has MC-specific checks, and checks that your other party members can contribute to if they have points in the same skills. Hacking, speech, lockpicking, and other 'social' skills are pretty much mandatory to not be locked out of significant chunks of content in some games.

      • Baldur's Gate 3 was truly revolutionary by just letting you use the highest skills from your party members in most circumstances. what? Pathfinder: Kingmaker did that 2 years before BG3 went into early access, and I'm pretty sure owlcat weren't the first to do it either.
        I swear down, D&D players claim the weirdest shit as unique or original to D&D.

  • glass cannon, magic user if possible. i want to see how far i can go without dying :::3

  • I'm a bit of a number freak so I just gravitate toward whatever lets me stack a ton of modifiers and mechanics that multiply each other and cause crazy numbers to appear on the screen. That usually means mage characters that exploit lots of status effects but also can mean warriors that use every buff effect or similar things.

    My favorite Path of Exile character was a build that would stack strength and int. Strength gave life, damage multiplier, and energy shield multiplier; life was converted to energy shield; int gave energy shield multiplier; energy shield then was converted to a sword. My spell damage scaled with triple the damage of the sword. Any small tweak I made to improve the build ended up giving huge gains just because of how much it would get compounded across all those things.

  • paladin, you're strong enough that you can defend yourself but also you can heal yourself/your team. other healer classes tend to be too weak to defend themselves, and strictly aggressive classes rely too much on healers for me personally to wanna play one

  • Mostly caster classes because they're more visually interesting than martial classes. Yeah, attack animations can get pretty cool, but I don't care how many flips/spins/tricks a martial character does, they're not going to stack up with most of the stuff a caster can bust out, especially when it comes to late-game spells.

  • I look for cheese ability, speed, and damage output, and the aesthetics attached to the class aren't terribly important to me.

  • i prefer DPS style classses but i will always choose the class with 2 handed swords in fantasy RPGs. i would play mages more often but i generally don't like the 'big glowing colorful ground markers with area of effect elemental damage attacks' genre of magic aesthetic, it comes across as gimmicky/fictitious/unimmersive, magic should be liminal/surreal/terrifying imo. i basically kind of hate the WoW style fantasy/videogame aesthetic and genre of RPG, the only one i really even slightly enjoyed was Guild Wars 2 (because huge playable cat guys with 4 ears and 4 horns and no paid subscription)

  • I've enjoyed playing high damage character of several varieties (I used to play a good amount of black mage, red mage and monk in FFXIV) but I have more fun playing tanks (I also find it more stressful unfortunately).

    In single player games I tend toward melee classes, I find that if I'm playing a ranged class with enemies chasing me down I feel stressed.

    In a current D&D game I'm playing a support focused cleric/sorcerer. I get very obsessive about stuff and have trouble not optimizing. I thought it would be very annoying if someone played a warrior with mighty thews and my warrior with mighty thews was just twice as good as killing guys with a sword than theirs, but nobody is mad at the mage who just makes them better at everything they were already going to do, plus I tend to play my character pretty cheerleadery anyways.

  • in a single player RPG I'm a basic ass heavy armor tank with as much social skill as the game allows for. in an MMO I'm basically any form of utility, I like the extra thought that goes into being a tank or healer. dps tends to have a clear correct way to hit your buttons in every encounter in the entire game and the better you are at hitting your buttons exactly that way the better a dps you are. but tank and healer can have a slightly more nuanced thought process involving risk and reward and whatnot

  • It totally depends on the Genre. In diablo style games I go for the kitey shooty usually bow/crossbow class. In tab targeting games its always a heal over time class. In more TTRPG inspired games I love rogues. In party based games I love whatever class lets me stack the most buffs. Thats just the crunch though.

    Overall I love druidic vibes. The class fantasy of nature fighting back is too juicy for me. There is something so wholesome about murdering corrupt priests/kings with pagan power. My go to class in just about every game is a wood elf druid.

    The druid class hall in WoW Legion is a perfect representation for why I love them so much. Its just this perfect lil grove and someone wants to corrupt it. Stopping them is the simplest strongest motivation for me.