Antarctica's Ozone Hole Is Healing And Set To Recover Fully By 2066
Antarctica's Ozone Hole Is Healing And Set To Recover Fully By 2066

The ozone layer is looking as fit as a fiddle at the moment.

Antarctica's Ozone Hole Is Healing And Set To Recover Fully By 2066
The ozone layer is looking as fit as a fiddle at the moment.
contrary to climate change we actually took that one seriously.
we humans are very much able to solve all of our (human made) problems perfectly well, no matter how bad things are looking.
Eh. The solution to the ozone layer was to replace refrigerant A with refrigerant B. A 1:1 swap that required very little effort from anybody.
Getting off fossil fuels more or less mandates an entire global paradigm shift in how we do basically everything. The entire global economy of the past 200 years has been built off an unsustainable energy source.
Sure, we can replace gas with batteries, but every step of the way is going to require small changes in how people do things, and they're going to be very resistant to that.
I'm somewhat pessimistic. Even if humans zeroed every single pollution, it won't be free on us, there's a bill to be paid, and Mother Nature will effectively charge us for this debt. And it'll not be cheap.
meanwhile, the temperature
put it away, he's in a good mood.
Isn't that what they told us 20 years ago?
I think 20 years ago they said it's set to heal by 2050...
Yes, but then China fucked us for a few years. They've since stopped, which is why the 16 year difference.
Plenty of time to rip her back open.
Cool but with all the deniers we should probably stop posting achievements like this.
nah they are the ones in the wrong
Only if it doesn't get ripped open by satellites burning up at high altitude again.