Antarctica's Ozone Hole Is Healing And Set To Recover Fully By 2066
Antarctica's Ozone Hole Is Healing And Set To Recover Fully By 2066

The ozone layer is looking as fit as a fiddle at the moment.

Antarctica's Ozone Hole Is Healing And Set To Recover Fully By 2066
The ozone layer is looking as fit as a fiddle at the moment.
When I was a kid we spoke about CFCs and ozone a lot at school. Good to know that's mostly a thing in the past
Back when we trusted experts and doing something to protect the planet wasn’t so controversial.
The global ban on CFCs demonstrates that the world can collaborate to do the right thing for the climate.
I love that Earthlings used science and international cooperation to solve a worldwide climate problem that threatened them. I wish we could do that again.
Basically rose and disappeared during the whole millennial generation
The ozone is in horrible condition
From fluorocarbons in our atmosphere
They love to eat our ozone, it's their favorite dessert
And if you don't have an ozone than the sun can really huuuurt!
R-E-C-Y-C-L-E Recycle!
C-O-N-S-E-R-V-E Conserve!
Don't you P-O-L-L-U-T-E
Pollute the rivers, sky, or sea
Or else we're gonna get what we deserve!
Cool. We probably won’t be here to see it
Where you going?
Into the ground, or spread across it. To the bottom of the ocean if you’re a hardcore sailor.