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‘I’m a black NAZI!’: NC GOP nominee for governor made dozens of disturbing comments on porn forum

  • Maybe this will come off as armchair psychology, but I really believe that part of what motivates conservative, and especially far-right sentiment in men is just sexual frustration.

    We've seen so many instances of Nazis being outed as gay or as chasers, so many incels who blame women for all the ills of the world, and so many guys who have a "blacked" or "white extinction" fetish are staunchly racist.

    We can respond in a number of ways to rejection, or any other negative experience for that matter, and some people respond with aggression.

    Women don't find me attractive? Well it must be either their or society's fault. Or maybe the blacks are at fault for taking all the white women.

    I can't be gay in my religion or conservative social circle? Well the gays must be sinful groomers then, and should be second class citizens or outright eradicated.

    Once again this is probably just armchair psychology on my part, but this may be part of why we're seeing conservatism increase among young men as younger generations are having less sex.

  • And of course he used his full fucking name on a porn site. That's so dense that it has to be true. What an idiot 🤣 He's so cooked

  • Despite a recent history of anti-transgender rhetoric, Robinson said he enjoyed watching transgender pornography, a review of archived messages found in which he also referred to himself as a “perv.”

    LOLOLOL. I always assume those that are consumed by their hatred of trans to have some rather deep-seated issues of denial. It's just a matter of if/when we'll find the smoking gun...

    Normal Americans just don't obsess over things like trans.

  • The party of "personal responsibility", and of "freedom" and of "family values", everyone!

    Good grief, what a fucking bunch of WEIRDOS.