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  • I'm an Indiana University alum and my dad was a professor there. During the protests there, they had a fucking sniper on the roof. The protests were in a park next to the student union which had been used for protests since the Vietnam War. I was there in middle school in a shanty that was protesting the 1990s Gulf War. Now the new semester has started and there's a chain link fence around the whole thing.

    The president just got a raise.

    Makes me fucking sick.

    Here's the sniper:

    I used to climb up to that roof where that sniper is with friends when I was in high school to smoke weed, so that was a trip to see.

  • "to escalate its warfare on its students"

    Yep, my mind doesn't understand this phrase at all.

  • UC Merced annual training required only 7 rounds, while UC San Francisco used 7000 and UC Santa Barbara used 9000 🤔

    Shoutout to UC Davis for having the only police department on the list who "did not use any military equipment during this timeframe".

    For some reason the linked PDF varies from the screenshot in several ways, though most of the numbers are the same. (UC Riverside's number of rounds of .556-range ammunition used in training is 3000 in the screenshot but 6000 in the PDF now.)

    I was curious how much this launcher costs:

    ... over here I see this glorified paintball gun is normally $2400 but currently on sale for just $1850.