Guess the Episode
Guess the Episode
1 point for the episode/main plot.
1 point for the joke/scene.
Dad! Your hands stuck in the points again!
Guess the Episode
1 point for the episode/main plot.
1 point for the joke/scene.
Dad! Your hands stuck in the points again!
"Are you better than me?"
"Well I've never met you, but yes"
I'm talking sooooooft ball
Ozzie and the Stawb'
Shave those sideburns!
Fun fact: Terry Cashman actually played Minor League Baseball before becoming a singer who had a minor hit with Talkin' Baseball (of which Talkin' Softball is a spoof of and Cashman songs it as well).
I gave you a plate of corn muffins back in 1947 to shave those sideburns!