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  • No innocent civilians in the planes or towers deserved to die in 9/11 obviously (and I hope everyone agrees here), but what I despise about the event is how the American civil religion lionised it and reacted afterwards. The attack was carried out by a US asset gone rouge and a direct result of US meddling and old school imperial conquest in the Middle East, which included killing many innocent civilians there themselves. The 9/11 attacks were not some unforeseen unprovoked event.

    Then there's the response. It's quite clear that the main issue with 9/11 to American leadership was not the number of lives lost, but the fact that it was a successful attack on Americas biggest symbols symbols of global financial and military domination. It was about the message that sent. A successful attack from the "jungle" on the "garden", as old school racist imperialists would say. And how did America respond to that? By invading two countries that had nothing to do with the event, while becoming even closer allies with the country that the majority of 9/11 hijackers were from. Hundreds of thousands killed in Iraq over a lie about WMDs. Afghanistan pillaged for two decades before returning to the exact same position, Taliban rule. Osama was in Afghanistan by the time the US showed up? Yes, and I'm going to be a billionaire tomorrow. More instability, more US funded terrorist groups. The response was just to go and loot and pillage the Middle East 100 times harder with false righteous fury. Like bombing an entire neighborhood because you got mugged by one of its residents.

    And that really showed the true character of the US as a country. Just how much bloodlust they had after 9/11. They just wanted to go out and kill a nation, any nation from the region would've sufficed. The were calls on national radio and TV programs for glassing and nuking the entire region. Around 75% of Americans supported the invasion of Iraq at the time. An invasion clearly based on lies. But they didn't care, they just wanted revenge. To kill someone, anyone. If you compare how the US reacted here, to how other countries reacted in the face of hardship, attacks and near civil war (see South Africa during the end of apartheid) it's clear that the character of the US is rotten deep down.

  • 9/11 was proof that America is one of the most self-absorbed, narcissistic societies to ever exist. They suffer what they inflict upon others in an afternoon of ignorance or infantile righteous judgement, and they start foaming at the mouth to cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war, gloating over how they will 'send them back to the stone age'. It's sometimes difficult to put into words how repulsive Americans can be.

    Does that mean that everyone who died on 9/11 had it comin? No. But the event was beyond illuminating of how America is an imperialist beast with a Narcissus complex.

  • The unchecked, uncurtailed, ceaseless and boundless of expansion of the surveillance state due to 9/11 doesn’t get talked about enough. I don’t have a joke here, I am just saying it sucks so much man.

  • My older Cuban relatives were staying with us in NY the month of September 2001 from Havana. We actually took them to the World Trade Center a few days prior to the attacks. My principle memory of 9/11 was them laughing and celebrating and my dad getting mad at them.

  • I remember when the towers fell, and people all over the word showed sympathy and solidarity, even from "enemy" countries like Iran. Then there was hate crimes, and the ubiquitous calls for us to "glass the middle east", but those were outliars, right? Bush observed the rubble and vowed revenge and told us to not be afraid to go shopping, and then shamelessly exploited the tragedy to further US geopolitical goals and killed millions of people across the world who had nothing to do with it. No "serious" politician or pundit or average American gave a shit.

    Little did I realize that the "killing millions" part was just standard operating procedure for the US, and the most important thing we can do, no matter what happens, is to uphold our duty as consumers and keep buying shit.

    Crazy to think we used to not have to take off our shoes and empty our pockets and be body-scanned to get on a plane.

  • I think some of most interesting things around 9/11 are the extremely stupid side stories. Consider real estate developer Larry Silverstein who argued that the WTC attacks were two separate attacks, and therefore he was entitled to two payouts on his insurance claim.

    It's mundane shit like this that really gives a unique glimpse into the depravity of capitalism. The uninteresting part of this is the casually anti-Semitic implication that the insurance policy was taken because a Jewish man knew what was going to happen. That's part is just stupid antisemitism and I do think it's worth making that point clear.