America Deserved 9/11 Megathread
America Deserved 9/11 Megathread
Get in here chapos! Any memes, rants, quips, jokes you have, let's fuckin hear them! That shit is funny.
America Deserved 9/11 Megathread
Get in here chapos! Any memes, rants, quips, jokes you have, let's fuckin hear them! That shit is funny.
There's a distinct lack of rants, so I'll toss my annoyance out there.
There were days where covid in the US was killing a 9/11 amount of people every day and so many of the chuds who act like 9/11 was the worst thing ever did not give a fuck. And it pisses me off so bad. It's the perfect "one death is a tragedy, a million a statistic" trap so many people fall into and that always pisses me off. One person dies because of weed - nation wide story. Tens of thousands die from alcohol - who gives a damn.
My interpretation of these people is that they actually don't give a shit about anyone who died in the attacks. They pretend to, but what they're really mad about is the fact that it was a successful attack on a widely recognized symbol of United States hegemony.
IMO there are two reasons why the 9/11 attacks resonated. The first one is crucial for the second.
The first is that it was spectacle, literally. It is impossible to deny that the image of a large passenger aircraft flying straight into a building and exploding is simultaneously nauseating, enthralling, and "better than fiction" in the emotional response it can get out of anybody. The second reason is that once cable news had that spectacle to get their viewers, it was like
for them. Just play it back. Replay it. Play it again. Run that another time. Get the second angle. Get the third angle. Play it again. Play it another time. The ad money coming in at that time must've been tremendous. It was really time for the fourth estate to shine. Judith Miller can tell you all about that.COVID deaths? No spectacle. It doesn't matter that well over a million Americans died from it, as well as millions more globally (and we still are dying, too). It's undeniable that COVID had media coverage, but it wasn't like CNN was sending in camera crews into hospitals to catch people's last gasps of air before they perished. Abstract reasoning is too hard. We need to see the explosion and the building collapse, not reason about a number.
I was in college on 9/11. If you weren’t old enough to know what was going on, it’s impossible to communicate how much of a “spectacle” it was. The closest I can come would be to say imagine if you woke up and aliens landed on earth. It wasn’t just that everyone was glued to their TVs set. It was just this… thing that was happening. In my dorm, everyone just watched it on their TVs alone. Got lunch with my friends and no one spoke hardly at all. Just a completely surreal day that’s hard to describe to anyone who didn’t live it.
Edit: to further emphasize the “spectacle” part, later in the day I had to run an errand with a friend. On that drive he confided in me that “I kinda want to see the number [of dead] go a lot higher”. He wasn’t saying that because he wanted a reason to start a war. And he wasn’t some weirdo. He was a very thoughtful, empathetic person (but brutally honest about things, like Jan Maas in Ted Lasso). I think a TON of people felt that way but didn’t say it out loud. I don’t buy that people were traumatized that day or anything. I think they were captivated by the spectacle and were mad that our collective ego was bruised, and didn’t really care about actual dead people.
I was just a little kid when it happened, and in my house the TV was on all day every day. I saw it happen over and over and over and over again, before I could even spell my own name, drilled into my mind forever. :/
Looking back at the live news footage, it's nauseating the way they show it, like a feeding frenzy of vultures on corpses. I think I know why I had so many violent nightmares as a kid now.
The “one death is a tragedy” quote is often attributed to Stalin among many other Hollywood capeshit tier quotes. But the US continues to lead by example. 40,000 people each year from car accidents, no one cares. But a tragedy with hundreds of deaths involving a train of plane and it’s a matter of national debate for 6 months. Same with gun deaths.
Latuff don't miss
In 2001?! The absolute mad lad lmao
latuff was photographed immediately after drawing that:
I’m sure this was well received
Jeremiah Wright, September 16th, 2001:
I heard Ambassador Peck on an interview yesterday, did anybody else see him or hear him? He was on Fox News, this is a white man, and he was upsetting the Fox News commentators to no end. He pointed out... that what Malcolm X said when he got silenced by Elijah Mohammed was in fact true, America's chickens…are coming home to roost.
We took this country by terror, away from the Sioux, the Apache, the Arowak, the Comanche, the Arapahoe, the Navajo. Terrorism.
We took Africans from their country to build our way of ease and kept them enslaved and living in fear. Terrorism.
We bombed Grenada and killed innocent civilians, babies, non-military personnel.
We bombed the black civilian community of Panama with stealth bombers and killed unarmed teenagers and toddlers, pregnant mothers, and hardworking fathers.
We bombed Qaddafi's home and killed his child.
We bombed Iraq. We killed unarmed civilians trying to make a living.
We bombed a plant in Sudan to payback for the attack on our embassy, killed hundreds of hardworking people, mothers and fathers who left home to go that day not knowing that they would never get back home.
We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon and we never batted an eye. Kids playing in the playground, mothers picking up children from school, civilians, not soldiers, people just trying to make it day by day.
We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and Black South Africans and now we are indignant because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back to our own front yards. America's chickens are coming home to roost.
Entire interview and sermon clip is worth watching, but this bit starts around 3:10
I had no idea he was this based.
He's so good, an absolute legend. Obama's abandonment of him during his 2008 campaign made him retire early which fucking sucks.
Another incredible sermon is "Confusing God and Government" in 2003 which is the famous "God damn America" sermon.
Why do you think Obama had to disown him?
No innocent civilians in the planes or towers deserved to die in 9/11 obviously (and I hope everyone agrees here), but what I despise about the event is how the American civil religion lionised it and reacted afterwards. The attack was carried out by a US asset gone rouge and a direct result of US meddling and old school imperial conquest in the Middle East, which included killing many innocent civilians there themselves. The 9/11 attacks were not some unforeseen unprovoked event.
Then there's the response. It's quite clear that the main issue with 9/11 to American leadership was not the number of lives lost, but the fact that it was a successful attack on Americas biggest symbols symbols of global financial and military domination. It was about the message that sent. A successful attack from the "jungle" on the "garden", as old school racist imperialists would say. And how did America respond to that? By invading two countries that had nothing to do with the event, while becoming even closer allies with the country that the majority of 9/11 hijackers were from. Hundreds of thousands killed in Iraq over a lie about WMDs. Afghanistan pillaged for two decades before returning to the exact same position, Taliban rule. Osama was in Afghanistan by the time the US showed up? Yes, and I'm going to be a billionaire tomorrow. More instability, more US funded terrorist groups. The response was just to go and loot and pillage the Middle East 100 times harder with false righteous fury. Like bombing an entire neighborhood because you got mugged by one of its residents.
And that really showed the true character of the US as a country. Just how much bloodlust they had after 9/11. They just wanted to go out and kill a nation, any nation from the region would've sufficed. The were calls on national radio and TV programs for glassing and nuking the entire region. Around 75% of Americans supported the invasion of Iraq at the time. An invasion clearly based on lies. But they didn't care, they just wanted revenge. To kill someone, anyone. If you compare how the US reacted here, to how other countries reacted in the face of hardship, attacks and near civil war (see South Africa during the end of apartheid) it's clear that the character of the US is rotten deep down.
Yes it was a reaction to imperialism, but it’s even more farcical bc in this case the US trained and armed the attackers. They didn’t only create the conditions for blowback they supplied the means for its execution!
Oh well at least we learned our lesson. It’s not like we’re blindly pouring billions of dollars of weaponry directly into the hands of right wing fanatics in war zones to intentionally protract a conflict being waged by our geopolitical rivals oh wait
Jk I’m sure all that stuff will stay in Ukraine they need it. Slava ukraini
And that really showed the true character of the US as a country. Just how much bloodlust they had after 9/11.
I would add that it wasn’t just the immediate aftermath of 9/11 that showed Americans’ character. After it was widely known and accepted that there were no WMDs and so many people had already died, Americans’ response was basically “whoopsie daisy”. Americans accepted, likely just as cope, that Bush and Cheney didn’t lie, the CIA didn’t lie, etc. No one did anything maliciously. Everyone was just doing their gosh darn best and they just got it wrong; like ordering some bad soup at a deli. So there has been zero accountability at all. Hell, I can’t imagine the President of the US just writing a letter of apology to the Iraqi people without most Americans losing their shit over it.
Bad countries refuse to acknowledge their faults and certainly don’t do anything about it. For as incomplete as de-Naziification was at least in West Germany, I do believe German society - even in the West - did try and come to grips with the horrors of the Nazi regime and do something about it. You’ll know about this much better than I, so please correct me if I’m wrong, but in the 90s it seemed at least to an outsider that there was at least some attempt for South African society to understand the scope of evil of apartheid, come to grips with it, and move forward in healthier ways. This is the sort of baseline requirement to being a good country and the Americans can’t even come close to this low standard.
The attack was carried out by a US asset gone rouge and a direct result of US meddling and old school imperial conquest in the Middle East
It goes back even further. The flight company that some of the terrorists used to train was owned by a CIA pilot whose son was connected to the Belgian Brabant serial killings/terrorists.
You know, I always assumed that he had been on his day off and just happened to be bowling already by the time the attack happened. I never imagined that he heard about the attacks, and then way later decided to go bowling and bowled a perfect game. That's so much fucking funnier
Me bagging all the muffins: Thanks, Osama.
Never forget but also wrap it up, we ain’t got all day.
please make this a hexbear header
guy who gets angry at "Bush did 9/11" memes because he views Osama bin Laden as a hero and wants him to get the credit he deserves
that's me
I wish it were true that 19 mujahideens with boxcutters pulled off the biggest job in human history
I believe this screenshot is from genzedong or chapo. I forget.
2 foot long subs $9.11
We used to be a real country
9/11 was proof that America is one of the most self-absorbed, narcissistic societies to ever exist. They suffer what they inflict upon others in an afternoon of ignorance or infantile righteous judgement, and they start foaming at the mouth to cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war, gloating over how they will 'send them back to the stone age'. It's sometimes difficult to put into words how repulsive Americans can be.
Does that mean that everyone who died on 9/11 had it comin? No. But the event was beyond illuminating of how America is an imperialist beast with a Narcissus complex.
This is the first 911 since the reddit refugees oh geez this will get messy
I've had a shit fucking week so if I catch even a sniff of liberalism in here im just banning on site, nobody fucking test me. I'll fucking wreck you.
How many Hexbear users got banned?
Our personal 9/11
Missed opportunity. They should have been 3 for $9.11.
Margins too tight for our celebratory $9.11 sales prices, thanks Joe Brandonomics
American libs when experiencing a fraction of the brutality they subjected others to:
The towers have fallen
Billions must die
If we were still federated with the libs, this thread would be wild
ShitJustWonks has official rules against 9/11 jokes.
lmao, I hadn't considered what impact 9/11 was going to have on federation until just now
If doesn't finally defederate from us over this thread, then I don't think they ever will.
Back when he was just a baby poster 🥹
This goes in the gallery for the "Posting Throughout the Ages" exhibit in the People's Museum of History and Communication. Ideally Trump would get his own dedicated wing.
Thank you Mr. President!
Very cool!
This was a great meme back in 2011, kids.
Wonder if they’ve already lowered the Guantanamo Bay McDonald’s flag to half mast
I remember when the towers fell, and people all over the word showed sympathy and solidarity, even from "enemy" countries like Iran. Then there was hate crimes, and the ubiquitous calls for us to "glass the middle east", but those were outliars, right? Bush observed the rubble and vowed revenge and told us to not be afraid to go shopping, and then shamelessly exploited the tragedy to further US geopolitical goals and killed millions of people across the world who had nothing to do with it. No "serious" politician or pundit or average American gave a shit.
Little did I realize that the "killing millions" part was just standard operating procedure for the US, and the most important thing we can do, no matter what happens, is to uphold our duty as consumers and keep buying shit.
Crazy to think we used to not have to take off our shoes and empty our pockets and be body-scanned to get on a plane.
Never Forgetti
so sorry for party rocking
wait are they corey worthington's glasses
::: spoiler not quite
When I was young I wanted to learn more about Osama. The first YouTube videos that popped up when I searched him were a Numa Numa parody, and the trailer for a documentary (made by Super Size Me guy) where Osama break dances to MC Hammer
I think some of most interesting things around 9/11 are the extremely stupid side stories. Consider real estate developer Larry Silverstein who argued that the WTC attacks were two separate attacks, and therefore he was entitled to two payouts on his insurance claim.
It's mundane shit like this that really gives a unique glimpse into the depravity of capitalism. The uninteresting part of this is the casually anti-Semitic implication that the insurance policy was taken because a Jewish man knew what was going to happen. That's part is just stupid antisemitism and I do think it's worth making that point clear.
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Is this loss?
For some it was a gain.
Fuck, I love the coup
So on 9/11/2001, I was at work.
I get done with what I was doing and went to put my tools back in the storage room and I see some of my other coworkers in another section standing around a radio, silent and serious.
I walk back past them and ask in a sarcastic way, "Who died?"
Needless to say, it did not go over well.
What's your favorite way your parents destroyed the towers? My household had a minor affair, we had little candles in the shape of the WTC on the dining room table. We would thank George Bush for the Patriot Act and then light the candles. We had to be good, because George Bush was always watching us with the Patriot Act, but if we were good, we'd get little pilot's wings pins.
The rich kids in my neighborhood had more elaborate plans, I heard they had full on model WTC towers. If they were good, there would be RC planes under the towers on 9/11 morning. They were always showing me the cool videos when they destroyed the towers.
Never forget the opportunity for profit 🙏
Always be crashing (planes)
[saluting, shedding a single tear] love da mets...
OUR BRAVE POSTING ANCESTORS (2001-09-11 @ 6:08am Pacific time)
Sucks being on the West Coast of north America. Last place in the world to be able to celebrate 9/11
Hawaii is later. And they have even more reason to celebrate.
Absolutely fair enough i withdraw my complaint
guy who moves to Kiribati so he can be the first to celebrate 9/11
I remember the night of logging on to to play Diablo 2 and seeing the insane anti-muslim racism and hate. I think it was one of my first brushes with nascent internet racism.
I'll watch the skies
It's free real estate
One lucky gentleman who had purchased the buildings only 7 weeks earlier got a $4.5 billion insurance payout... he had been advised against purchasing the buildings because they needed to be renovated on every floor to remove the asbestos and it would have cost him millions. Renovations were scheduled for 2002. That problem was eliminated by some airplanes and he became a lot richer in the process... and proceeded to brag about it on multiple occasions!
this film is dedicated to the brave mujahideen fighters of afghanistan
fuck taliban my homies are alqaeda
Very glad megathreads here aren't just a modding weapon used to suck the life out of a topic by being "enforced" so that all posts, memes and other content about a topic gets contained, otherwise I would be very upset.