I'm a weirdo because the sun makes me genuinely depressed and the clouds and the rain fill me with joy. It has been sunny here for weeks on end, hasn't rained for more than a few minutes at a time. My mental health is slowly going to hell. I just want a rainy weekend.
Sometimes I have had to go outside even when it was raining. So if I am indoors and it's raining it makes me very happy thinking that I don't have to go out and the temperature would go down a bit.
I used to love that sound until my first roof replacement on my house. Rain is surprisingly destructive. It gently kicks my house's ass. Everytime it rains, i fear that my newborn son will inherit a disintegrated, dry rotted termite mound. [Sorry for the grimness - i said this with mostly a joking cadence in my mind] this is my first lemmy comment ftw
I wish that's what it meant for me. I've never worked a job that was called on account of rain. It just means that I have to wear a poncho and I'm going to get soaked. :(