Old School RuneScape has fallen.
Old School RuneScape has fallen.
Old School RuneScape has fallen.
Good on Jagex. They continue to put out these updates even though their playerbase is wildly transphobic. I will continue to wear my trans pride gear and piss people off while killing Wintertodt.
So this is how peak masculinity looks?
uhhhh shit i need to consult my retrophrenologistrunescape predicted breaking bad
jessie it's time to bot
Luke Smith about to tell me how I'm using Linux wrong and that I should somehow magically drop everything and live innawoods, just like that. Because like, what are you stupid? Just do it.
Bruh doesn't even know what DEI means.
How can this be DEI it's literally fictional characters.
Does DEI mean anything though? I thought they just use it because "woke" wasn't working.
In reality you mean? Diversity, Equality and Inclusion.
In their minds, anything that isn't white, straight, cis.
It means the same thing, and that is essentially "thing I don't like"
Lol chuds are obsessed with buzzwords, they don't even know what any of them mean they just love using them
There was a quest filled with lateral thinking puzzles and had a moment where an NPC was like "no man can defeat me!" So you had to go to the makeover mage to change gender.
Nowadays they're like "no weapon can slash me!" So you bludgeon them to death with a hammer.
Too many wokies out there addicted to getting makeovers by Makeover Mage, everyone's saying it. Cause of free healthcare poor Makeover Mage can't even decline, they have to do it. They have to.
I'd love to have so little problems in my life that harmless shit like this breaks me
Chuds try not to mald over pointless videogame stuff challenge: impossible
I want an army of Black and Trans players patrolling the wildy
like Habbo 2007 but more based
I pledge the support of my asiatic horde
Read this as black and tans first lol
Come Out (of the closet), Ye Black and Trans
That’s it. We appropriate the “pool’s closed” meme.
I volunteer for the Black and trans army, Enbie Division🪖
World of Warcraft did the same thing 2 years ago. Chuds acted outraged for a short period but then they just kept playing the game.
Even if you are wildly transphobic (and no I can't excuse it
), can a man not have a hair bun and wear skirt-shaped cloth?? It's not like the character model includes genes and genitaliaThe endpoint of transphobism seems to be that literally no person is valid ever.
The endpoint of transphobism seems to be that literally no person is valid ever.
These dynamics are baked into fascism itself, there's always gotta be someone to target. If no person is inherently valid in this worldview, then the fascists get to pick and choose who's valid.
Me replacing he or she with they in wikipedia articles and bringing an end to society
Gamergate: “Make your own games!”
: “ok. I added this voluntarily since only losers jerking themselves off on 4chan or Facebook find it offensive.”Gamergate: “No not like that!”
where the they/them prounouns for my giant blue skinned big breasted person??? huh???? not so woke anymore
Even main game RuneScape has dunked on CHUDs for a long time.
Bandos got his ass whooped by the furry God, and that’s not even mentioning Bandos’s followers mostly being goblins, orcs, and trolls. Literally implying that “fascism is for idiots”.
“Stunning and brave”, actually it unironically is. Jagex realized their game is more important to them than shareholders and decided to flip off 99% of the world. Jagex, after the revolution you can stay.
Gotta disagree hard with this reading of the lore. The Lost Tribe of Israel questline uses the Bandosians as stand-ins for Muslims. Armadyl, the eagle god of freedom and democracy (your furry god), kills Bandos in an airstrike. It's peak War on Terror brainworms.
Run escape is RUINED
Your rs gf is type b
Do characters in Runescape ever even refer to a PC with pronouns? I remember the dialogue being pretty primitive, even back in the day.
I imagine in newer quests you'd be able to personalize the dialogue. In other MMOs instead of using your name they just go 'the champion has arrived!' This, of course, is my preferred pronoun but I get why it's not everyone's cuppa
I played for years and don't remember a single conversation between npcs. I'm pretty sure it was all npcs speaking directly tothe player.
more like WOKEscape :kelly:
I can't believe they added blue people to the game. Fucking woke SJW bullshit.
OSRS stopped forcefemming the male characters.
Of all things to complain about in OSRS, this is the thing gamers are complaining about?
They can feel the culture wars slipping through their fingers.
nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 23 year old game, taken from him just like that!