I was prepared to jump in and say it’s just normal little kids spelling mistakes. But then I got to the plot twist at the end. I’m sorry but I have to agree with assessment. You were in fact an idiot. Hope you’re feeling better now.
If I wrote that poorly at 9, I'd likely have been held back.
I still remember when I was 7 and scored 19/20 in the weekly spelling test. The third word was "put" and for the life of me I couldn't remember how to spell it and wrote "poot" knowing it was wrong. I remember the last (toughest) was "marriage" and I had no issues. I had a perfect gold star run up until then :(
Yeah, my teachers would've been pretty concerned if I couldn't spell July in 4th grade (instead they were like, "she's super book smart but holy shit she has zero social skills," on all my report cards). But I guess you never know what else was going on. I have a friend with a learning disability who is smart but still can't spell even as an adult. Some of my other friends are way smarter than me and spelling just isn't their strong suit for whatever reason.
Words are spelled stupidly so being bright makes this harder.
Feel that. I distinctly remember forgetting how to spell "of" and wanting to write "uv".
Lol, I spelled it "ov" on my spelling test.
I still remember what ruined my 100% average in grade 1. The antonym of “in front”, I was rushing and wrote “in back” instead of “behind”.
Took me awhile, but I finally decoded "bire".
It's diary.
They wrote dire not bire
so there's no bear named bire
Imagine actually spending your time writing a fake diary entry with fake spelling mistakes just to try and get some attention on the internet jfc.
Everyone needs hobbies, but this one would be more believable for a range 5 to 7...
Looks fake to me
I sometimes go through my old emails and texts, and the level of cringe I get from that is off the freaking charts
That's not good for 9
Usually happens when you make shit up for internet points
On the contrary they were a comedic genius
4th of Julie lmao
Makes a lot of sense, not gonna lie.
Still haven't figured out punctuation, huh?
EDIT: Actually, your 9 year-old self had a better grasp on it! And yeah, I know I'm coming across as a grammar Nazi. But spelling, grammar, and punctuation mean something! Long articles or books would be difficult and unpleasant to read if not for editors...
At least they got 12:00 PM right unless they were up at midnight
Ah yes the noon after noon
I was able to write better in english than in that diary when i was 9 and its not even my first language
If someone in my class wrote that bad when i was 9, they would get a green circle(the worst thing that you could get at that time) on an english test
Edit: i forgot a not
Were you better or worse at proofreading when you were 9?
Better, but still bad
5 days after the first iPhone dropped in the US.
Doesnt seem idiotic to me. Course i am a neurodivergent individual but still
I disagree.
She is already willingly writing about her day; she is ahead of many when looking at our educational system.
Her writing and grammar can improve a bit, but what a wonderful start she had!