Is Europe Turning Fascist?
Is Europe Turning Fascist?
Is Europe Turning Fascist?
Fascism doesn’t just appear out of nowhere, like some virulent meme. Fascism is what the capitalist class falls back on when liberal democracy starts to fail them. Fascism is when the capitalist class goes mask off. That’s what Lenin meant by “fascism is capitalism in decay.”
The neoliberalism that was baked into the Eurozone from its inception made this fascist turn almost inevitable. Michael Hudson: Financial Predators v. Labor, Industry and Democracy
The Eurozone lacks a central bank to do what most central banks are supposed to do: finance government deficits. To make matters worse, the Lisbon Agreement limits these deficits to 3% – too small to pull economies out of depression by offsetting private-sector debt deflation.
only talking about what I know (France)
it absolutely is
Merci Vincent, merci Manu !
Wait, didn't you just elect a very left-wing parliament?
Watching the video would help. Basically, it's a barely-held-together coalition that won't last for very long. Meanwhile the far-right has massively risen in popularity over the last few years.
macron is doing everything in his power to diminish that election as much as possible; he's literally started talking to the far right coalition while ignoring the left-wing one; despite the left-wing one winning the most votes.
It so is.
Here in Finland we have multiple literal neo-Nazis in the government. Well, one of them was forced to resign from his ministerial post for being a neo-Nazi, so our extremist right wing government replaced him with a pedophile neo-Nazi and somehow that's been totally fine 🤦♀️
Wow, didn't realize it got that bad over there. When are your next elections?
About 3 and a half years, out of a term of 4 years…
And yeah, it's pretty fucking bad. This "person" is our new Speaker of the Parliament:
And trust me, those aren't even the worst of his outbursts I could dig up. Halla-aho is also a fan of the right-wing mass murderer Breivik, who coincidentally is also one of Halla-aho's fans and Breivik even mentions him in his "manifesto" as one of his idols.
They also defunded our Security and Intelligence Service because they said that right-wing terrorism is our most pressing security issue considering that we keep arresting neo-Nazi terrorists. It's only a matter of time until we have our own Utøya moment here, and conservatives are actively working towards making that happen.
Jokes aside, great video by Second Thought as always. The EU's future is looking grim...
Get organized while you can, comrades.
At the rate it's going, what's going to realistically stop fascism in europe again? There isn't a socialist force to counter it like the USSR did last time, and we have yet to see a socialist revolution succeed in a place where capitalism has firmly taken root.
If anything, the neoliberal rot in former USSR since its overthrow seems to have put Russia in its own path to fascism. At least its interests are still aligned with the Global South I guess...
The mask is slipping off, yeah