Second Thought - Is Europe Turning Fascist?
Second Thought - Is Europe Turning Fascist?
Second Thought - Is Europe Turning Fascist?
Second Thought makes videos targeted at radlibs. People who (generally) have a conscience, know that capitalism is flawed and are receptive to socialist ideas, but still have faith in the systems they're familiar with.
"Hey, look at all these far-right figures popping up all across Europe, could it be that profit-maximizing billionaires inevitably lead societies towards fascism?" is a much better way to reach these people than "Your succdem PM is a Nazi, soon President Xi will make it rain ICBMs on all of Europe inshallah"
I watched the whole video, so I know what he said at the end, but:
Realistically, what's going to defeat European fascism this time? There's only one real way to defeat fascism and the Soviet Union isn't around to do it again.
European Fascism doesn’t exactly require a whole lot of beating, this time around. In 1933, Germany had a large population of young people that could be fed into the meat grinder of the eastern front. Right now, all of Western Europe is facing an impending demographic catastrophe with incalculable consequences. Case and point: Germany’s strongest birth rates have been in the years of 1962 to 1965 with a pretty sharp decline and eventual stagnation around the mid 2000s. Retirement age in Germany is 65-67, thus in the waning years of this decade, Germany will face labour shortages it will not be able to accommodate. Now, imagine if fascists come to power in Germany and actually expel the quarter of the population that has a migration background (which, on average, is considerably younger than the “Bio-Deutsch” population). The country would be in ruin effectively immediately. This is no economic basis for a major military campaign on the scale of Operation Barbarossa.
The situation is not much better in the rest of Western Europe.
This is no economic basis for a major military campaign on the scale of Operation Barbarossa.
Fascism would still need to be beaten regardless. Many people within fascist countries will be in grave danger. The Soviet Union had a moral imperative to dismantle fascism whether or not Barbarossa happened.
Overall this wave of fascism isn’t really expansionist anyway (besides Israel), but that’s not the only threat of fascism.
My mind honestly goes to cannibalistic fascism in which these countries utilize fascism to forestall outright labor disputes that in the end make shit EVEN WORSE because in the end fascism is an illogical reactionary ideology that is only good at murdering a crap ton of people.
You are entirely discounting the global south and China.
China is quickly becoming the dominant economic force, and while it may not happen under Putin, as Russia continues to forge close ties with them, there's a very good chance some of their Soviet roots will return.
And then there's the fact that Israel is poisoning the global south against western imperialism.
Realistically, what's going to defeat European fascism this time?
If it really came to a WW3 style conflict, seems clear that it would be the BRICS countries, roughly speaking. Who actually participates would depend how it unfolds I guess, but I don’t see China letting Russia fall to NATO or vice versa.
I worry that his final message of "vote left to delay the fascists" will be misinterpreted by some of his audience that do not understand that the democrats are not left and he is not advocating for that.
There are plenty of leftist parties in european countries that are not akin to the american democratic party that can pickup some seats, and where these parties exist there's usually an understanding that they're "the left" and not the "center-left" so I think it's hard to misinterpret unless someone REALLY wants to vote for sucdems for some reason.
Yes in europe.
His audience are americans that still refer to the democrats as left though.
I found a YouTube link in your post. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy: