Cuck Philosophy does not miss
Cuck Philosophy does not miss
Cuck Philosophy does not miss
Cuck Philosophy frequently misses when when talking about historical subjects like Stalin.
Quoting Contra is funny considering she is so pathetic now that she doesn't even really "critique" power and instead spends all her time railing against the left even thinking of gaining ground when she's not navel-gazing about her personal problems ad nauseam. It's like quoting pre-opportunist Kautsky, kind of jarring.
There is a direct correlation between how intricate a "breadtubers" set is, and how much substance the video has. The more involved and theatrical Philosphy Tube got, the more shit the videos became.
Or I guess there's a sweetspot because the Jordan Peterson one was pretty good as far as I remember it.
Jordan Peterson is really easy to critique though, like babies first philosophy 101 class easy to critique. The fact that he became popular and was taken seriously is a whole indictment of the state of popular philosophy. Like, for god's sake, popular philosophy was in a better state when the existentials were at the helm, which is saying something since the existentialists were pretty shit most of the time.
There’s no “thing” there to be sacrificed. It’s not like the handful of progressive Dems have this grand agenda they’re on the verge of implementing. And not just because TPTB are opposed, there’s like 4-7 members of “The Squad” in a body of 435. There’s no unilateral path there.
The most impactful thing that can be done in that position is giving a voice to the message that the leadership is broken and decrepit and needs an overhaul.
Ooh shit that is 💅 IRL
Who will be Gustav Noske?