In a loving way
In a loving way
In a loving way
Me an my boi Crunch Wrap are good with that.
Have a treat, Crunchy.
You leave Gordito out of this!
Rocket (F) - Age 10
Keanu (M) - 8
Lorelei (F) - 2
Willow (F) - 4 months
They're all adorable!
Are the last two named after characters from "The Devil Came Through Here" trilogy?
Willow was my wife's choice, not sure where she got it.
chalupa do go hard though
Soup... Tomato Soup
My boy cat is called Rails because Ruby on Rails, my girl cat is called Sushi just because .
my cat's true name is whatever I come up with in the moment
Yup and the most important names, the ones that he responds to, are psp-psp-psp and ti-ti-ti.
My cat's name is Elliot because he's got a mustache like the Mr. Robot mask, but I call him Admiral Derpits, Mingus, Ferbles, or Murface the Furface on a Surface
Yeah my male cat was named Optimus Prime by the previous owner, and the female cat I got I named Nika, after the ancient Greek goddess Nike.
I have a female cat named Toph. She’s a Tortie. Very fitting character and cat breed.
Regretting calling my cat Persephone because I always have to spell it out to the vet reception over the phone.
Wait, is this just a trap to get our bank account security questions?
Mothers' maiden names are so crazy and random too, don't you think?
Especially when that side is fresh from slavistan.
My girl cat was named GirlCat.
3 of our girl cats growing were named Shasta, Kahlua, and Sprite and one of the boys was named Orange Crush; all were named after drinks (and that time Dad sat on Crush).
Either way the cat thinks of him or herself as a divinity.
Hey! Boy cats also get names after video game characters. Just ask Mr Bubbles.
Momcat is named Alyx after the Half-Life character.
One of her daughters is named Junko, after the alpinist Junko Tabei because she climbs everywhere and is always the first one to jump onto new things
The other is named Spots because she has spots.
I tried, the wife said no. So I wear this name in my cats honor
Dog is named cat. Cat is named dog!
My cat Neth'Sin the Ethereal Tormentor laughs at your modern goddesses.
Enchirito does sound like a good name for a cat... 🤔
I love you, Beefy Crunch ❤️
And here I am giving my pets human names like a weirdo: Brody (dog), Chad (dog), Sasha (cat) & Erin (cat)
Wait till you see Augustus Magnus the cat And his brother Brutus Maximus the other cat
My cat is named Figaro after the cat from the animated Pinocchio film that he looks just like. My dog is named Ampix after a character who gets made fun of for his stupid name in a novel that my wife and I read.
How is this so accurate?
We never thought about it, but of our three cats, the girls are named after a goddess and an empress, while the boy cat is named after a Starbucks menu item.
I just named a cat that got dumped at my work Johnny. It's a girl cat. Oops.
Jonni now?
Some of us name our boy cats after Arby's menu items. That's how Double Roast Beef Sandwich got his name.
It is as much of an honor to be named after Taco Bell items!
I know a boy cat named Apollo
Whatever naming convention works for you Danny, so long as you heed your masters’ call.
Mmmmm, I do miss the Enchirito
My cats are named after a tattoo, an encoding system and a movie character.
Ah, the Elon Musk children naming system.
Our girl cat is named Maki because she's small. Girls get food names too.
My kitty Athena agrees. My kitty Nova does not (both girls). But the mentality is the same: respectable names that convey greatness. Because they fucking rock.
one of my girl cats is named after a song about cigarettes, the other named after a video game tribe
my girl cat is named after a song about cigarettes
I think Dweezil suits her just fine.