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Random thought: Linux has a higher market share than Firefox if stat counter is to be believed

Wild isn't it


Ok I misread the data but I am leaving this post. I compared Linux desktop share to Firefox all platform share

  • I'd believe it. I've had hundreds of Linux servers that don't have any desktop Gui at all deployed on them.

    Linux desktop users make up an absolutely tiny fraction of Linux installs.

    • I don't think that's what 'market share' is trying to represent, but without any context - yeah. You can lump in android phones and set-top boxes and signage and industrial controllers while you're at it.

  • I never trust stat counters of any kind with linux. I often see stuff like that plastered on my whitelist firewall, like bumper insects on a high speed summer drive through Florida. There is usually some other stat of leet users. That's Linux too. Then there are those times when I change my browser agent just for fun.