And park directly in the immediate front of the building I'm visiting. No circling around and around without finding a space to park my overly expensive rust box. Just arrive, lock the bike to a post and be there.
Totally different experience in that aspect alone.
Given that's a greentext, legitimately expected anon to somehow get injured or killed by some not paying attention driver on unsafe road or something. Glad he didn't.
I do think it's funny that America has the worst traffic in the western world, yet in Europe we can get by just fine with roads built by people that even the Romans considered to be ancient.
Have fun commuting 30 miles to work on that thing. Especially when there's 8 or 10 inches of snow, -10 wind-chill, or there's a thunderstorm rolling in. I've seen people do it; they look absolutely fucking miserable and it's a miracle it doesn't kill them.