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should I sue my former employer for unlawful termination?

Getting therapy for the emotional damage from being unlawfully fired from a job almost two years ago.

There's 3 months left in the statute of limitations. My therapist really thinks I should go after my former employer for this shit.

Idk if I should. I am employed at an amazing place rn and can't really afford time off, but I also want justice for myself and anyone else who got the same treatment I did.

What do y'all think?

  • Talk to a lawyer who specializes in employment and labor. Many firms will offer a free consult where you can speak with somebody, explain your situation, and they can then tell you whether or not it'll be worth pursuing further. If they tell you you have a case, then congrats, get ready for court.

    If they tell you that you don't have a case, then most likely you should drop it. You could always try asking another firm for their opinion, as well, but if the first firm turned down a case with you, then there's probably a good reason for it. It sucks, but sometimes that's the reality of it.

    You also mentioned not being able to afford the time off work to handle a legal case, which is also a really big concern that you should consider. Sometimes the most unjust part of justice is how much it costs to get it. While standing up for your morals and ensuring that those who have done wrong are punished for it is great, just make sure that you don't take yourself down in process.

  • Ask a lawyer.

    Your therapist gave you their honest and sober view and that should be worth something.

    If you consult a lawyer, they have to tell you the truth about what your chances are and shit and if they lie they can get into deep trouble. But they are the only ones to know your chances and the damages you'd get as a payout, and thus they are the exact ppl you need right now.

    Also thank you for not dismissing what your therapist said. It is really hard to get some perspective on how fucked up stuff is if you go through it and trusting a therapist on it is very difficult as well, so you are doing great.

    With that I wish you the best - the struggle is over, now either you'll move on or you will make even.

  • Can you convince a lawyer to take it on contigency? If not, can you afford to pay for a lawyer through a lengthy trial and then lose? If not, no. It's a gamble, never bet money you can't afford to lose. Only a lawyer can help you judge the odds but even the best lawyer can't guarantee an outcome.

  • Yes.

    Find yourself a lawyer that has good references with you know several tens of millions of dollars of successful verdicts in their favor that does we don't collect unless you win law services.

    Even if they don't accept you, they will likely refer you to another lawyer that they have worked with in the past that they have good rapport with.

    They'll probably take 35 to 45% of the win, but if they're good enough law firm there's a good chance your former employer will settle and you'll have cash in your hand within a year.