Remember the Burger King Kids Club? 1989-1999)
Remember the Burger King Kids Club? 1989-1999)
Remember the Burger King Kids Club? 1989-1999)
Like Captain Planet, but instead of saving the Earth they encourage children to eat fast food
Oh my god kid vid was edge man
What the hell
Why would you do this to us?
He should've been called Edge Lord
What's the problem with "Wheels" exactly? At the time that was also a hip way to refer to a vehicle. It was probably the coolest name they could have given him in that cultural context. Should we have tip toed around the topic and never acknowledged his condition or what? People are so fucking strange and self righteous sometimes
I think it's the fact that it's making his whole identity about having a disability. But it's an ad aimed at selling children fast food so I don't know what people expect.
Your nickname is not your whole identity, it's just a name.
Ok, everyone else has a similar name there too. Vidkid, I.Q...ect
Disclaimer: In no way do I endorse walking up to people and calling them things. ASK how they want to be addressed first, FFS.
I've had friends with ironic nicknames, including disabled folks. Sometimes, the situation just sucks and they seek dark humor in many things, including watching people squirm with a cringe inducing nickname.
Should have called him "Legs" ironically
they look like a weird cross between magic school bus, recess, and archie
i loved recess in middle school. it felt smart at the time. i wonder if it holds up.
I think it does.
Censorship warning: they redacted the word midget for some reason
Do people have a problem with that now? That’s the coolest name he could have gotten
Why not complain about the nerd?
People have a problem with everything online.
And where is the Legman?
bchichitkikitkichbikititbchikta BHNUHBNNA BUHNNUHNUHNA
That’s the coolest name he could have gotten
Excuse me, there are many far cooler names:
Everyone is upset about using a name to highlight an attempt to be inclusive of a person with different abilities.
No one is calling out the kid literally named after the concept developed by a racist eugenicist to demonstrate that blacks and indigenous peoples were mentally inferior to the English.
Yep, checks out.
All of their names are based on their stereotypes.
I can track what they're going for with most of them except "Jaws".
(edit: maybe he talks a lot?)
I figured it had something to do with eating and I found this:
Jaws is an expert on nature and the outdoors, as well as navigation. He is very socially aware and caring, and especially in regards to the natural environment. He is also occasionally presented as a voice of reason, retaining a cooler and more normal disposition in the wake of other members' antics or strange occurrences. His name is derived from his older characterization, in which he was said to be the Super Official Burger King Quality Taste Tester, as well as an expert on food, specifically the food served at Burger King. However, these details were largely ignored in later materials.
Yes, but their design and personalities also are
"Dizz Able" was a runner up.
Observe the doping process whereby, in making the words in the sentence puns, more space is created between and into which more puns are "crammed", creating a new material with superpunducting properties. In this paper we show that
My day, and perhaps life, has been improved by reading this comment. I would like to subscribe to future pun science literature.
Nobody even mentioning Drake?
The guy played a character nicknamed Wheels in the Canadian TV series Degrassi Jr High.
And it's about as bad as you'd expect.
[ not like us intensifies ]
Ok B⚾🏈mer
Yeah... 'wheelchair kid' is so much better than 'wheels'
No it's okay, they put a stylish circle around the W and have him a jean jacket so we know he's cool and down to earth.
Holy crap kid vid just unlocked some nostalgia there... I completely forgot about this!
Of course one of them was called boomer!
I remember this. It was very much a product of the late 80's/early 90's that I'm surprised they kept it going until 1999. Of course, I don't remember them doing much of anything besides eating at Burger King.
What a sad continuation.
"Wanna go to space???"
7 years later
"Wanna go to BK?"
Wheels sounds pretty apt
this was like 10 years after we’d stopped naming shows after how obese the kids were in ‘em, so, a kind of progress.
Which one is the legman?
Ok Boomer
Doesn't that red bull athlete that hits skateparks in his wheelchair also go by Wheels?
"It's a little on the nose..."
Directed by Robert Rodriguez, released in 2020.
Those were different times lol
Is that a girl named Stripper?
Snaps, which I'm assuming has to do with her camera.
There's a joke about J.D. and a couch here but I don't want to be the one to make it
One letter away from a shit time for Burger King.
Ok Boomer