Random person: Hey Hitler, can you please stop doing the Holocaust.
Hitler: Nein.
Random person: Damn, guess I can't do anything. If I used force to stop Hitler from committing a genocide I would be just as bad, because everyone knows killing a Nazi who wants to kill every Jew and killing an innocent Jewish person are equal moral acts.
I honestly don't understand how people think like this. All they do is enable fascism and the imperial ambitions of more aggressive nations. As long as we live in a world with sovereign nations, some of those nations may do something extremely wrong that requires a war to stop, and that doesn't mean you just let them do it. Ultimately, war is bad but genocide is worse and sometimes sacrifices have to be made (exclusion existing for nuclear war, which would render humanity and most of life on Earth extinct).
The nice way to beat fascism is to make it less appealing. When families live in precarity or in poverty, they start looking to blame someone. Sometimes it's obvious, like billionaires forcing workers to pee in bottles.
In response, the affluent elite utilize their resources to create a propaganda campaign to blame scarcity on already-marginalized groups (in the US and UK, the rising genocide of transfolk is an example). Hangry communities feeling insecure + Tucker Carlson spewing hatred every night leads to fascist action.
Note that it works because its instinctive. We don't like living in societies with more than a hundred people, even when it means we get infrastructure like running potable water or internet or electricity or food at our grocery stores so we don't have to farm and hunt, ourselves. We actually have to train ourselves to live and let live, and not start a centuries-long family feud every time someone cuts us off on the freeway.
Social safety nets and better standards of living can pull people out of poverty and precarity, so they don't feel they have to begrudge everyone outside their front door.
Otherwise, we're going to keep trying to organize labor, and in response, the companies are going to try to distract with hate campaigns. Remember Trump commandeered the GOP in 2015 and 2016 because he gave permission to hate while the other candidates wanted to just continue to quietly oppress with code-worded fears. Even if we quash Trump, they'll find new Mussolini-wanabes to back and worship, and eventually they'll start a civil war.
If we don't want the civil war, we need to make shit less bad for the 80% living paycheck-to-paycheck (or worse) and we need to reform elections so that their outcomes are better informed by the interests of the public (not the elite). Or at least that's what CIA analysts (retired) interviewed on PBS think.
Once civil war breaks out, though, or they're harassing marginalized people and committing hate crimes, yeah, feel free to [REDACTED] off the face of the earth. And anytime a law is passed or a rule is adjudicated that retracts a civil right, remember that is violence.
Contemporary Untermench Nazi Toilet Stains: We're going to terrorize innocent people and threaten them with violence and jump them simply because they exist and we're gonna celebrate past genocides with flags and marches and then we will overthrow the government and create the third reich with even more atrocities and and and...!!
Everybody else: Well, we're going to fight you every step of the way and respond to your violence if necessary.
C.U.N.T.S: SO MUCH FOR THE TOLERANT LEFT!! I'M ENTITLED TO MAH OPINION!!1! YOUR OPPRESSING ME!!ยค#!!! ๐จ๐ฐ๐ฅ๐ข๐ญ๐ฑ๐๐ฃ๐๐๐ฉ๐ซ๐ค๐ก๐ ๐คฌ๐ฟ
I also remember how we got to WW2 by appeasing the rising fascism instead of debating and disassembling it word for word. If we need to get to the physical violence and war to fight the evil, then we failed the early stages of disproving and debating why it's evil. And then, just like now, its mere idea will rear ist ugly head
Fascism was not defeated in WW2 only Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Japan. Everyone forgot about fascist Spain and Portugal. What's more they even made deals with them. My country was left alone to suffer because the war was never against fascism.
I can get people wanting a "one-size fits all" solution where we peacefully resolve all problems and the violent one are obviously evil.
But the unfortunate thing is, you do have to fight for "the right beliefs", and yes the right beliefs are technically subjective and this could be abused. But there's just no alternative to taking a specific stance and physically fighting for it no matter what.
"Correcting a broken bone out of alignment is... Strategically re-aligning through use of force to snap it back into position in order to enable proper healing?
That's literally breaking a bone again."
I'm trusting the doctors more than you on this one, buddy
The only way to beat shitty people is to prove that you're better at whatever dumbass game they're playing than them. Evangelicals? Just pretend to be a DesNat/fundie. When someone is being violent towards you, the only way to "win" is by returning it 10 fold. Their worldview is based on superiority, do not let them delude themselves and others.
Governments are inherently fascistic entities. Ruling by so-called democratic majority excludes too many, even when you pretend that the way propaganda works doesn't completely extinguish the concept of democracy. We are all living in a conservative socioeconomic reality that for the most part has many many, many many fascistic elements.