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  • just had a memory from almost 30 years ago. im in high school, at a pep rally. i dunno if they're still like this, but back then they let us out from last period maybe 20 minutes early, but had administrators and truancy types funneling everyone to either the basketball gym bleachers or the football bleachers. then like the cheerleaders would do some choreographed something while something like 69 boyz - Tootsee Roll blared over the PA, then the athletes playing at the nights game would run out and we were all expected to give a shit. some people had school spirit, but most people just stood there, because after 7 hours sitting silently behind a desk, who the fuck gives a shit about anything.

    anyway, for this specific memory is was a football thing, so we all go out to the football bleachers and the adults had organized a little parade of the usual suspects, only this time. the "School Resource Officer" (aka the full time armed pig the district hires with its limited resources to threaten children and initiate minorities into the school-to-prison pipeline) is driving like a lowered, "tricked out" 1990 Ford Mustang with this custom flamed metallic paint job, spinning rims, and some outrageous competition grade sound-system blaring something a Dr. Crankenstein mix CD making every part of the vehicle rattle as it crawls by. everybody, even the rah-rah-go-team losers were cringing at it. the rear window has the giant D.A.R.E. anti-drug logo on it. i imagine, in the minds of program administrators, seeing such an enviably sweet ride would make us all realize that doing drugs with our friends is lame, actually, and it is the cops who are into cool stuff.

    broke kids couldn't have a free lunch, we couldn't have books from a relevant decade, and there were 35+ kids to a classroom, but fuckin' Officer Piglet had his don't do drugs mobile. that he would cruise around in and try to hook up with 15 year olds.