The hawaiian state had banned teaching hawaiian until the 90s
Hawaii has been occupied since the late 1800s
They only recently started teaching in schools that the overthrow even happened
shitlibs love posting that picture of the guy standing in front of the tank, as some kind of own, when if that happened in the US the cops would have gleefully run him over and then been made into a celebrity for it
Death to America
somebody actually did splice together the video when the Chinese tank goes around the guy, and the footage on the other side is from the BLM protests when a cop car just drives into the crowd
"Han Chinese are racial chauvinists" /r/politics libs, probably
Jeff Widener, an American photographer with the Associated Press, won a pulitzer prize for that photo, precisely because it was a still image. He also took a video, but the video tends not to be shown, because it reveals that the man wasn't run over. Then you have the fact that all the US press corps showed up right as the protests took off, a lot of dark money from NGOs and western think tanks was floating around, and then deliberate conflation of the worker riots (in which PLA troops were lynched outside the square) being confused with the mostly peaceful events inside the square. Then you have that interview with the protest leader where she was crying and basically saying she was trying to provoke a massacre so that the protesters could be seen as martyrs. She got her wish, even if the massacres didn't actually occur, since that's how the west depicts those events. Then there the highly suspicious fact that nobody talks about the fact that you had many different types of protester simultaneously. Some were opposed to liberal reforms, privatization, etc, (the workers rioting outside the square) while other protesters wanted more of that stuff (the student protesters inside the square). Then you have some racist elements mixed in with the student protests I've heard, i.e. that there were some Chinese who were protesting because they didn't like the presence of African exchange students at their universities. I don't know how true that is, but I've heard it a few times.
Agitprop repost from the massive china thread done two months or so ago:
And the comments would say: He sHoUlD hAVe JuSt CoMpLiEd
Rachel Corrie tried that in Palestine.
The tank man image is relevant not because of the tanks but because of the dude. He stood up and made the whole line of tanks stop (momentarily). That's the kind of energy i like in my protesters.
You're 100% correct the cops in the US would probably just plow into him, though. Hell, they'd swerve to hit him.
no, for several minutes: https://nitter.cz/fedurante/status/1533099332496502786
he even climbs onto the tank, the tanks only keep going after other civilians remove him from the way
I didn't even learn about Fred Hampton till I was in my thirties and it was from the Chapo Trap House subreddit
How is that they never post pictures of the students killed on Kent State
Also here in the UK a large majority believe that “Empire” was a nice pleasant good thing that did nothing but good to the countries we merely ’looked after’.
We call the ones that haven’t fully told us to ‘fuck off’ the ‘Commonwealth’ and hold lots of PR events like Olympic-esque games and ‘rich monarch waves at people who’s country has a GDP less than their hat largely because we stole all their resources before they could use them to develop’ tours.
I remember that old black and white footage of queen whoeverthefuck (victoria?) tossing little pieces of food to the ground for african toddlers to scramble for in the exact same way you or I would feed pigeons in the park.
Wasnt able to find Victoria doing this (Didnt search very hard), but I did find this link of an English woman doing that with coins in 1899:
The worst part was that she had no dark hour of realization of being a monster while she lived and I have no faith in the afterlife. She just won life. Like it was a video game and we all didn't matter.
Am I remembering right where William and Kate tried to visit somewhere with one of these bullshit tours and were told to fuck off pretty much?
Yes, I forget where but it was in the Caribbean I believe.
"we sent the convicts to australia, and because we decreed that it was empty, everything turned out fine"
"Uyghur people are being GENOCIDED simply for their culture of having knifes to demonstrate their manliness (which the CIA used to agitate for terrorist attacks)"
"actually US settlers were right to kill natives because they were scary and had sharp obsidian knives" :scared:
When I was in I think 2nd grade I gave a presentation on the Civil War while wearing a costume of a confederate soldier.
I was taught that factory workers in the north had it worse than slaves, that the Civil War War Between the States was about states' rights, that Confederate generals were noble and honorable while Union ones were incompetent drunks who relied on essentially human wave tactics and burning down cities to win. Gone With the Wind was presented to me as an accurate and unbiased depiction of history.
Growing up I definitely had a couple awkward dinner conversations with certain "history buff" relatives where I was like, "Well sure, but still, I mean, obviously we can all agree the South was wrong, right?" and suddenly people start exchanging looks
I actually got a similar reaction once for saying the Crusades were bad, Catholics are fucking wild I tell you.
I was taught that factory workers in the north had it worse than slaves
In Marx's "Theories of Surplus Value" which he never published while he was alive, but was instead compiled from his notes by Kautsky, and then later Riazanov, he called out 1700s reactionary anti-capitalists like Linguet who made these kinds of arguments.
Linguet however is not a socialist. His polemics against the bourgeois-liberal ideals of the Enlighteners, his contemporaries, against the dominion of the bourgeoisie that was then beginning, are given—half-seriously, half-ironically—a reactionary appearance. He defends [...] slavery against wage-labour.
(Linguet was guillotined by the Jacobins lol)
I actually got a similar reaction once for saying the Crusades were bad, Catholics are fucking wild I tell you.
Papists still getting off from the sack of Constantinople
I actually got a similar reaction once for saying the Crusades were bad, Catholics are fucking wild I tell you.
My convert Catholic dad once told me that all the crusades were "self-defence" against Islam. I guess there must have been a really big threat of an islamic invasion of Europe from the Baltics.
i'm pretty sure at least one of those crusades resulted in christian armies sieging/looting/pillaging/committing atrocities in christian majority cities on their long march to Jerusalem, with most of them starving or dying of dyssentery or deserting along the way. Most effective form of self defense I've ever seen. And even when they made it to Jerusalem, surprise surprise, turns out there was a lot of christians and jews coexisting with muslims and they all got treated as muslims by the invading armies.
You probably didn't actually learn what capitalism is either until later, given that Marx is the most comprehensive breakdown of how capitalism functions, so much so that even the economics courses at universities use Marx for that part.
The intentional avoidance of teaching how the system works is essential to making sure people don't question it. You don't want your workers knowing how it works, merely accepting it. Understanding how it works is reserved for the ruling class.
I remember I took economics 101 in college. The professor was explaining how growth is required for capitalism. Even as clueless I was back then, I raised my hand and said well nothing can keep growing forever, what happens then? He told me that would be a long time from now and to not worry about it.
I tended to have communism/socialism condescendingly poopooed as "well-meaning" but "never really working because human nature".
Anyways, time to learn about the french revolution and the reign of terror, which in no way should be viewed as an indictment of liberal revolutions the way the red terror does for socialism.
I remember almost my exact words when I was in high school "communism has a lot of valid criticisms about capitalism but their solutions didn't work"
Tulsa What? Kent State Who?
I just read to my parents about the Haymarket tragedy and the origins of Mayday, and how the United States freaked out that people all over the world began recognizing that day and in order to cut it off in the US they made May 1st loyalty day and used red scare shit to make sure nobody would demonstrate or do anything on May 1st here lol. They had never heard of any of it.
US PUBLIC EDUCATION HISTORY CLASS: And today kids, we are going to learn about all of the native indians, the Southwest Indians, the plains indians, AND the forrest indians. Are you excited to learn about all the indians that were here, kids?
-Me in fourth grade, demonstrating complete mastery over the curriculum
gold star placed next to your name on the poster of all the kids in the class
Question to American comrades: How are the genocides of native Americans and Lebensraum manifest destiny being taught in American schools? What does the average American know?
I was unequivocally taught that it happened, white colonists were responsible, and that it was genocide. It came up a few times over the years in age-appropriate lessons (they don't go into detail when teaching third graders ofc) and every time the narrative was about the same.
HOWEVER our classes never dwelled on it much. It was taught with as much gravitas as any other random lesson, i.e. I was bombarded with a litany of names and dates to memorize for a standardized test which I promptly forgot in order to prepare for the next one, and the next one, and the next one...
My classes didn't distinguish between the indigenous peoples and I never learned about the native tribes that belong to my area. My teachers taught only what colonizers did to them, not who they were and are. And crucially, I was taught that this was all history and not that it is an ongoing genocide. And that the colonizers of the past are, somehow, disconnected from our government of the present.
Also we never made a connection between the Nazis and the colonists, or talked about class and capitalism at all, really.
I remember being taught that it was just their desire to expand to the Pacific Ocean, they believed it was their god given destiny. Big focus on that. I don't recall a lot of all of emphasis on how it impacted the natives.
every year in elementary school we watched some movies about how the pilgrims and Indians were friends and every year I would get in trouble for screaming "AND THEN THEY MURDERED THEM ALL". teachers would get mad and say that it was both sides fault. and then we hit middle school and got the full story, but teachers would both sides it. Also most of my peers one year believed that the genocide of the native Americans was good, needed to happen, and that they would do it again. then i went to a super libby highschool and learned even more.
I learned Christopher Columbus would chop the hands off of indians that didn't follow orders, and we wiped out 95% plus of their population
But I went to school in California. Unfortunately, other states can teach their version of history
I got that bad things happened but like, you know it doesn't do to dwell on it. I got the positiveist version of all that.
I was taught in Jersey and Florida during the 80's and then 90"s, and manifest destiny was taught as a good thing. Anything resembling truth I got out schooling came from subversive teachers, not the official school curriculum. It wasn't till I read Zinn and Lowen that I learned how badly I was lied to.
I'm convinced all the people saying that America doesn't teach what happens to the Indians (besides the first Thanksgiving) stopped paying attention in history class after elementary school.
true, i remember slavery being a literal paragraph in texas history textbook. Next to no mention of American indians outised of tejas means friend
My education I got in Ohio was abysmal about this shit. Most of it was just review after elementary. And I say that as someone who would read the textbooks cover to cover.
A people’s history of the US was probably pivotal for me properly turning left, didn’t find it until well afterwards though.
"this wasn't my experience, so it didn't happen"
or you could listen to the people telling you otherwise, but why do that?
Yeah, my education didn't cover who taught whom about corn. It definitely covered reservations and forced marches and murder and sickness. Maybe we can cover all of that in a couple of weeks and forget how much time it took and what was covered?
Just gonna use this post as an opportunity to link this piece from one of my favorite writers of all time, since it’s an article which covers the absolute state of both public education and homeschooling in the American South in depth (CW for extreme racism and general bigotry)
That is not true in my case. We learned about various massacres and the trail of tears, ect. Of course that was at a time when you actually studied history.
it really depends on what state you live in, and what decade you grew up in. Southern states were particularly prone to whitewashing US history, especially with respect to colonialism and slavery. I did learn about slavery and indigenous genocide in school, but as an adult I still find the public education I received lacking, incomplete, and still somewhat whitewashed, even if it was loads better than the McCarthyist and Daughters-Of-The-Confederacy sponsored shit I would have gotten jammed into my brain in the 1950s.
For example here are some issues I had with my liberal education in the 1990s:
it also always ended with "but now we're in modern times where racism is over, and we are friends with the native americans now =)"
Might be different now that history has restarted, but when I was going through in the obama years, yeah history was taught to me like a long running TV show that had just had its series finale and all is well
In my history classes, it was like black folks were a footnote until you get to the lead up to the Civil War. Then after the Civil War they disappear from the stage again until the civil rights movement.
I did have a lib teacher who thought it was super important to teach us about Native American society and culture, even if he didn’t cover the genocide part as much as he could have.
Texas dictates what most states' textbooks are. Every American child grows up learning a lot of bullshit.
That's exactly what I was taught too.
One way to look at this is comparing the western media blitz every year around the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square incident to annual western coverage of any of our many, many domestic atrocities.
We get an annual top-line reminder of how irredeemably evil China is because of a 30-year-old event that even U.S. journalism schools admit we misrepresent. But besides token coverage of "it's X holiday," or maybe some stories about "should we even recognize X as a holiday" (see the Columbus Day/Indigenous People's Day discourse), there is precious little media reminding us of any of our own original sins. Instead, as you note, it's relegated to history classes, which many Americans never seriously engage with and most Americans never revisit again.
So you tankies agree that Tiananmen Square massacre happened? Good job
yes the tank man at tinyman square from that famous picture got squished like a grape by the tank
My favourite bit about the video is that the tank column is leaving Tiananmen when this guy stops them, and I always get the impression he's essentially asking the tankers to go back to the Square.
Naturally the lib framing is that he's blocking them from entering the Square
MOVE bombings, what MOVE bombings? That's not part of the history curriculum.
i'm glad you were taught some actual history. as someone raised in the south we never covered literally any of that. it was just manifest destiny, "the first thanksgiving!" then a hard cut directly to the civil war, and then from there to WWII with nothing in-between. no genocides, no wars, no nothing.
Was it rightfully identified as an intentional genocide?
In my school, we touched on some of that but with the undercurrent that it's all ancient history. I got through history class with the impression that these were bad things done long ago, and I assume it's the same for you.
As an example to illustrate my point, were you taught in school about the forced sterilization of many indigineous women that began in the 70s?
We had battles against them
This is a good example of the problem. This is a ludicrous way to talk about a genocide. Yes there were battles, but that was a tiny part of the history and most of those battles were just massacres anyways. Should we talk about the Holocaust in these terms? I'm sure some Jewish person managed to kill a Nazi between 1933 and 1945. Should we discuss the battles between Jews and Nazis?
There are some pretty radical US teachers who don't teach American mythology, and unless they're in Florida or another state banning CRT and gender-affrming sex-ed, they aren't breaking the law in the process.
So are y'all china simps? I'm so confused still about hexbear.
If this post was reversed and posted by some liberal on mander.xyz, and a hexbear came into the comments and said
"so y'all Western simps?"
The replies would not be pointed, supply evidence, or otherwise actually informative replies as you have below this comment right now
There would be 5 comments saying 'whataboutism' because you liberals have no ground to stand on, so you deflect
When we make posts like these, we have reasons for doing so beyond the vibes
We believe things for reasons, because they survive rigorous analysis and form accurately to the world as observed
A little bit, I mean they did do this:
Corporate media and politicians lie and present biased framing to get people to hate whoever they want them to hate. We've seen it too many times and anytime we try to push back or ask for sources we get labelled as bots, shills, or tankies. We don't mind criticism of any state, but we expect it to be well documented and framed in a reasonable context, and not just rumormongering.
If China "simping" includes calling out propaganda then yes
We're very clear about our politics. There's nothing to be confused about.
We're communists, anarchists, and other socialists. Hexbear is a non-sectarian left space so there is some variation on details or by degrees but we all share a revolutionary socialist perspective. That includes support for AES states. That includes educating ourselves about AES states instead of blindly accepting western propoganda.
Not a simp, just dont swallow US narrative as truth. Why would i trust the country that regularly tries to debt trap me? 1+1 isnt China Perfext Utopia, its 1+1 is The US is evil and untrustworthy
Very fair, thanks
Well yeah, the biggest reduction of poverty in human history will do that to ya
The only one simping anything here is you. You're the one that uncritically repeats state department talking points and believes CIA propaganda. Go investigate these claims for yourself - plenty of resources have been made available in this thread alone, yet all you could think of was this deficient condescending comment.
Everything you hear about China from western sources is a lie. Everything westerners write about them is tainted by sources controlled by the US state department. China will save the world from capitalism or we will all die.
They do appear to be China simps.
Nobody condones the Chinese surveilance Städte, which is very much like the US surveilance state. Nobody condones the Chinese liberalization of markets which make the Chinese economy resemble US capitalism in some regards. Nobody condones attacks on environmentalists, may they happen in China or anywhere else. So no, simp wouldn't be a good term here
I thought the indians did teach colonists how to grow crops like corn and often shared food with them. But then large amounts of Indians would die from a plague every time the colonists visited (disease moment), and then they became suspicious that they were purposefully killing them. And then the colonists grew suspicious that the Indians were planning on killing them and then they all killed each other. Except the colonists had guns and so they won.
No, the settlers had always have genocide in their mind because they craved the "free real state" and slaves that comes with massacring societies.
Again: The Crusades stopped when Europe discovered America and so had an easier place were to do expansion/ocuppation/imperialism
Did they ever tell you that the very first ship to travel back from America to Europe had enslaved natives on it?
first of all, start using native american, indian is a racist term made up by silly people who somehow mistook cuba for the indian subcontinent.
The colonists thought the natives subhuman and then began routinely exterminating them
Even if they deemed them humans, they wanted the land.
The crusades stopped when Europe discovered America and had a way easier place to do their plunder and expansion/colonization
I think it’s ok to keep using the term Indian because many within the Native American community have indicated a preference for it.
Also “Native American” is a kind of sterile word made up in the 1970s by coastal libs and so some within the Native American community feel it’s too clinical and empty of meaning.
It’s true that Indian is colonial and hilariously inaccurate but it’s been used for centuries and so becomes imbued with meaning and identity through so much use.
Ideally you use the specific tribal name since they aren’t a single people, like it’s a false category since it isn’t a singular identity anyway except for being defined in contrast to non-indigenous Americans. So where possible avoid the collective noun anyway but when the collective noun is required then the general consensus within the Native American community is that either “Indian” or “Native American” is acceptable, with some taking strong exception to “Indian” due to it being inaccurate but also many equally taking exception to “Native American” for being clinically dehumanizing and equally imposed by white colonizers.
I think the best is to defer to the preference of current company but the idea that the term “Indian” at least has been imbued with a strong cultural identity makes sense to me.
hey look, its the thing this post is about in action!
The natives were chill and their help was the only reason the settlers survived in a lot of cases, but uhh... the same could not be said the other way around.
I would say that culturally erasing a nation's foundational and ongoing genocide is a lot worse than even the liberal fantasy of "no one in China can talk about when a few thousand people died". I would even say that trying to draw an equivalency is a form of genocide denial.
I'm not denying anything bad happened here. It's bad to cause a genocide from either party. It's bad to for the US to have stolen land from the Native Americans, forcing them to relocate in shitty places, and systematically destroy their culture through isolation and cheap alcohol.
It's bad to force Uyghurs into "re education camps" to erase their culture and harvest their organs.
It's bad for the US to have squashed protests about the Vietnam War in front of the 1968 Chicago Democratic Convention.
It's bad for the CCP to have squashed calls for democracy and freedom of speech in Tiananmen Square.
It's almost like people in power do shitty things regardless of the type of government.
Except very little really did happen in Tiananmen Square, so it's not really equivalent.