Anon is a cowboy
Anon is a cowboy
Anon is a cowboy
a kid with a infatuation? O no the horror. It's fucking fine. If people want to laugh about it later in good spirits, awesome. If it's not in good spirits, then congratulations you have identified a asshole. Someone not worth giving two shits about.
Also deadwood. That show is fucking awesome and I am not particularly fanatic about western or cowboy culture.
The real tragedy is that he didn't stick to it. People who stop being willing to stand out make the world a more boring place.
Hell yeah, people said "Howdy partner" to him. Fucking lean into that shit!
Real cringe is adult quasi strangers teasing someone for what they did as a teenager.
This is more fun if anon is in Italy or something.
Given how many Westerns were from Italy (ie. Spaghetti Westerns), it would make some sense.
Spaghetti westerns were called spaghetti westerns because the directors were Italian:
That is why they said that.
Apparently there are a lot of Japanese people who are into cowboys so it would be funny and believable in Japan as well
IDK why but this just made me think of Dodgeball.
"Who's Steve the Pirate?"
"Literally the only player on the team that dresses up like a pirate?"
"We have a player that dresses up like a pirate?!"
"Well then who will I share all this treasure with"
Curse your sudden - but inevitable - betrayal!
Oh wait, wrong property.
You can do the cowboy look well. Ditch the long leather coat, the hat and the toothpick. Wear flannel button-ups and cowboy boots of a standard color with jeans of a standard color.
Don't copy phrases from movies, but speak slowly and politely. Don't do a strong accent, but it's ok to do a mild accent. Instead of tipping a hat, give a significant, thoughtful head nod as a greeting.
Check out Sam from TrueBlood as a good example.
thats very specific advice
Not just flannel because that shit gets hot in the summer. There are pearl snap western cut shirts that you can wear in the summer that won't kill you. They're much thinner.
Otherwise, pretty good advice here. And Sam wore those western shirts in addition to flannel.
If you want what real current day cowboys wear.
Source of my authority on this matter: Lived in Texas since I was like 10 or smth
In most places, hats and coats are considered outerwear. You suggest someone wear a hat, and they'll wear it everywhere.
I suggested ditching the hat (and coat) because people who dress for a theme, like OP, often let the theme override indoor/outdoor considerations.
Maybe in Texas they wear the hats indoors. But in most places, you go inside, you take your hat off immediately (and hang it up until you go back out).
As a 32x34 I’m stoked they have pants in my size ….
The working cowboys tend to dark jeans that show the dirt less.
Lean into it. And if all someone sees is something that happened years ago, fuck'em. They don't know you.
Best thing to do is to own it, accept it and laugh with them at how cringe it was.
Eh, kids will be kids. I remember when I was in the 6th grade there was a kid named Steven who only ever wore camo to school. Of course we all made fun of him. 😔 kids (and their adult versions) can be mean. I hope Steven turned out fine.
No one remembers Anon years later.
When I was in highschooli n the late 2000s, country bars were all the rage so you would've fit right in
Probably should've hired on at a ranch and just kept going.
Just didn't own it. Anyone with confidence could have made it work just fine.
I got a cowboy hat once until my partner pointed out that men who wear cowboy hats always end up on the TV news with neighbours describing them as a “quiet man who kept himself to himself”, despite which “nobody saw this coming”.
Howdy partner!