What if the school was a debtors prison, and as always, Amerikkka delenda est.
What if the school was a debtors prison, and as always, Amerikkka delenda est.
What if the school was a debtors prison, and as always, Amerikkka delenda est.
The books will be withheld until academic performance improves.
same backwards insanity as No Child Left Behind;
"We will penalize the under-performing schools by taking their funding and giving it to the schools that are already performing well. This will improve the situation, trust us."
like fuck are we gonna have to smuggle a literacy programme into america with free-to-play, unmonitized app-store games?
It will be banned for not being predatory enough by decree of the supreme court
Pure ideology
Give everything to the people at the top, they know how to use it best. Capitalist ideologues are the dumbest people on earth.
I have bad news for 12 year old lib me who heard about this and called it "educational communism"
Because guess what? The economic system where incompetent idiots hold you back is good 'ol capitalism.
I wonder what material conditions could be affecting children in Texas so much that it could affect their performance?
In Stalinist North Maoist China they force the undesirables... look I can't even do this. Fuck Texas and fuck the USA for enabling Texas.
Texas is just advanced USA.
It's a prediction of what will eventually be all the USA... And it's terrifying.
Goya - Saturn Devouring His Son.png
I know that you made this observation before, and I couldn't agree more. Right-wing parents see their children as accessories, and I think they intentionally sabotaged the job and housing market to maximize their children's dependency on them for as long as possible.
George Lakoff, an important linguist and cognitive scientist, wrote an interesting take on this in his book Moral Politics. Basically, the "strict father" model of language and communicating actions -- and eventually doing them -- really speaks to the ideals of their generation: "moral strength" and "moral obedience" being the biggest ones where weakness of any sort is immoral. Rewards and punishments are what keep this morality going, so failure to uphold this sense of morality -- here doing your homework and getting good grades -- needs punishment.
Carried into the political realm, this moral system -- which puts strength at the top of the list of values -- leads to the belief that "your poverty or your drug habit or your illegitimate children can be explained only as moral weakness, and any discussion of social causes cannot be relevant," Lakoff explained.
He's not a marxist, so I'd take some of the political conclusions with a grain of salt, but he knows how people interpret and use metaphor to navigate language and existence (His co-written book Metaphors to Live By is widely used in linguistics and cognitive studies).
When your average k-12 student isn't dodging bullets from a black pilled neo-nazi incel school shooter, it's put into a work camp for getting a D in freedom and patriotism class.
They are finally being honest about the fact that schools in the USA are not for education, but intake centers for the new plantations: For Profit Prisons.
"We need to cut education and critical thinking and instead focus on discipline"
"The one context we should be lenient about is bullying. It helps teach the wimps to be more normal!"
"Of course we should cut history and science first, only nerds could possibly care about that stuff anyways!"
"While we're at it, we should use those funds to add a surveillance system to look for any queers!"
"....after all, the last thing we want is to make anyone (me) UNCOMFORTABLE!"
"The one context we should be lenient about is bullying. It helps teach the wimps to be more normal!"
Also helps identify future slave catchers (pigs) and plantation guards.
Libraries were the only way I survived my youth.
Education is the enemy of fascism.
We should be careful to hedge this as real education. The fascists do plenty of education of their own, intended to groom a fascist culture through hitler youth approaches. Historical revisionism and carefully chosen philosophical bullshit go a long way towards the shaping of entirely fascist generations.
Part of this is happening because the state of Texas seized control over the school district from the city, I've been guessing because it's the most populated in the state and one of the least white
I'd guess it's because of them there big city liberals with their radical ideas like "basic equality". Of course the Nazi party want to re-educate their kids
The beatings will continue until morale improves
I swear to God we're gonna get to the point , if we haven't already (I'm thinking of that
quote where he describes trying fuck that bi girl at college by flexing his Foucault learns) where all the administrators and managers are reading Foucault and treating it as a manual.Find the policy psychos responsible and [redacted... Like really fucking redacted]. Sooner or later there's going to be some kids who "graduate" from said system with nothing to lose... Maybe with all the easy access to [redacted] and it'll eventually sort itself out. The free marketplace of ideas is such a bastion of innovation.
I am hereby calling on Joe Brandon and the Demoncrat party to drone strike every Republican the second they leave the country.
At any point, did they consider having a education system that was worth a shit instead?
But then they couldn't build increasing amounts of cruelty into it!
What a fucking disgrace
Ah yes because burning the books is how you improve education-shits bonkers even on the most cave man of levels.
ah yes, the correct response to poor academic performance, plan B so to speak: work day camps
Amerikkkan Kiddy Koncentration Kamps
hey why does every adult with power in this country just fucking hate children? what's up with that?