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How to achieve this audio setup in linux ?

Hi linux folks I'm considering installing linux as dual boot on a second partition and want to achieve the same audio setup I have on Windows using software to get better quality audio than defualt Windows audio

The setup is:

Audio > Vb-Audio Hifi Cable Input > Vb-Audio Hifi Cable Output > VST host with plug-ins for equalisation > Voicemeeter Virtual ASIO Input > Voicemeeter WASAPI output to headphones with equaliser apo eq on the voicemeeter output for hesuvi virtual surround sound

I have tried searching online and have only become aware of ALSA but not how to implement the setup I have above and I'd rather it not go through port audio because I heard it messes with audio quality

  • Check out Pipewire, which is the modern standard of linux audio

    I do not have the same requirements than you, but in audio production I can route anything in any which way I need (useful for switching monitoring or sources), and I did once plug an eq to my movie player because some ripped movie was really sounding bad

    There are tons of VSTs available, too

    There'll be research to do, and a learning curve, but today is not the days of Jack anymore, it has become really easy if you go for a modern distro (arch, tumbleweed, fedora,...)

    Have fun running your sound your way!

  • Not sure how much of your ground it would cover, but I've used easyeffects in the past to apply noise cancellation. Worked very well. It's also on pipewire level so you don't have to mess with alsa directly.

    I do recall it having many more plugins as well as eq, I just didn't have a reason to use it.

    • Don't want to use ubuntu as I've heard it amd linux mint has a habit of touching other EFI partitions even when being told not to but ill have a look at the individual software mentioned

      • The only "touching of other EFI partitions" that they do that I know-of, is that every time there's a kernel-update, it updates GRUB, which requires a re-scan of all partitions, so it can get the bootable-systems listed in GRUB..

        that doesn't mean Ubuntu isn't doing other things, it's only saying that that's all I've noticed it to do..