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Its time. Its time talk about anti semtic stalinist left. Jessie gender explains it all.

Best highlights:

Well since marx and his antisemtic works to stalinist antisemitism to the current rush of commies who are all antisemitic cause they follow marx and stalin.

Leftist organizing is filled with antisemitism. Why won't condemn china russia or sri lanka for their genocides while only condemning israel. See this is why lot of jewish folk are feeling this anti zionism is antisemitic.

Find nuance within zionism rather than just being anti zionist as all those rabid college protestors

Banning israeli who served in the idf once is not a good look and obviously anti semitic.

Neil druckman is being unfairly maligned.

A lot of leftists praise hamas and that's as bad as idf. Y'all blindly supoort them just cause they are fighting israel. Meanwhile you all ignore sri lanka doing tamil genocide and the ccp doing uyghur genocide. But you all cheer on jewish civilians killed on oct 7.

Equating zionist to white supremacy or white people is very antisemitic. You leftists don't condemn sri lanka or china cause they are not white. This is a common stalinist tradition.

Also hamas is just has their own interests and don't care about jeopardizing palestine's future.

Zionism was not the product of its leaders. Implying they pushed it or they were powerful is antisemitic. It actually formed cause jewish folk escaped persecution and came here. It was a movement cause it has emotional appeal. Zionism is an emotion. Holocaust was the reason for all the jewish folk to form a jewish state.

Do you condemn hamas? Hamas attacks on civillians parallels nazi attacks for the average gentile. Hamas is a fundamentalist antisemitic group.

Horsehoe theory???//


  • Love that Israeli factions are currently in hot water regarding how the mass pogroms and torture should be fine. And they keep doing their genocide.

    All this sort of western person can muster is whatever this video. The most pressing issue nuance with zionism and respectability.

  • This just shows me that radlibs are best when their only targets are people like Ben Shapiro. As soon as they move away from that it’s almost always anti-leftist shit

  • typical liberal garbage aside:

    Interesting temporal inversion, when zionism started before fascism appeared, and probably before mussolini was born

  • Zionism as an emotion.

    Yes I was feeling very Nazi today, going to ethnically cleanse my mind right now.

    Hamas is a fundamentalist antisemitic group.

    Yes Hamas has fundamentals they believe in and fight for while you bootlick for the Zionists in your audience Ms. Jessie Gender while you have no ideas besides the ideology and TV shows you grew up with.

  • In answer to your inquiry :

    National and racial chauvinism is a vestige of the misanthropic customs characteristic of the period of cannibalism. Anti-semitism, as an extreme form of racial chauvinism, is the most dangerous vestige of cannibalism.

    Anti-semitism is of advantage to the exploiters as a lightning conductor that deflects the blows aimed by the working people at capitalism. Anti-semitism is dangerous for the working people as being a false path that leads them off the right road and lands them in the jungle. Hence Communists, as consistent internationalists, cannot but be irreconcilable, sworn enemies of anti-semitism.

    In the U.S.S.R. anti-semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty.

    J. Stalin
    \ January 12, 1931

    • Anti-Semitism means spreading enmity towards the Jews. When the accursed tsarist monarchy was living its last days it tried to incite ignorant workers and peasants against the Jews. The tsarist police, in alliance with the landowners and the capitalists, organised pogroms against the Jews. The landowners and capitalists tried to divert the hatred of the workers and peasants who were tortured by want against the Jews. In other countries, too, we often see the capitalists fomenting hatred against the Jews in order to blind the workers, to divert their attention from the real enemy of the working people, capital. Hatred towards the Jews persists only in those countries where slavery to the landowners and capitalists has created abysmal ignorance among the workers and peasants. Only the most ignorant and downtrodden people can believe the lies and slander that are spread about the Jews. This is a survival of ancient feudal times, when the priests burned heretics at the stake, when the peasants lived in slavery, and when the people were crushed and inarticulate. This ancient, feudal ignorance is passing away; the eyes of the people are being opened.

      It is not the Jews who are the enemies of the working people. The enemies of the workers are the capitalists of all countries. Among the Jews there are working people, and they form the majority. They are our brothers, who, like us, are oppressed by capital; they are our comrades in the struggle for socialism. Among the Jews there are kulaks, exploiters and capitalists, just as there are among the Russians, and among people of all nations. The capitalists strive to sow and foment hatred between workers of different faiths, different nations and different races. Those who do not work are kept in power by the power and strength of capital. Rich Jews, like rich Russians, and the rich in all countries, are in alliance to oppress, crush, rob and disunite the workers.

      Shame on accursed tsarism which tortured and persecuted the Jews. Shame on those who foment hatred towards the Jews, who foment hatred towards other nations.

      Long live the fraternal trust and fighting alliance of the workers of all nations in the struggle to overthrow capital.

      V. I. Lenin
      End of March 1919

  • Oh no we're dunking on a trans pwrson, dont tell blajh,dorks.anticommunism lol

    skipping around the video found a section where about how everyone involved in the video tried their best!

    • Who are these blahaj dorks

      • Lemmy instance whose admin is a NATO worshipper and shelters Vaush anticommunists reddit flunkies who attract chasers like moths to a light.

        Instance has not improved since we defed and it's mostly being propped up by chasers in nazi dot world and other chud instances we defeded from.

  • Every trek youtuber is either a Gen x libertarian or a lib stuck in 2015. Someone buy me a computer that I can run video editing stuff on and I will give you the amateur produced communist look at trek about 200 people want. There will be no bisexuality lighting or any fancy film lights, my dim apartment bulbs will suffice and there will be no audio quality to speak of and you will have to focus on the topic to not have it drowned out by background noise and the fact I'll be red lining at all times. Same with metal gear. I'd like to take these people to school cause their media analysis is first year college level at best and going to film school after doing well in English class and filming book reports for a living doesn't mean you're good at it.

    • I'M good at book reports, not them!

    • record these videos! I would be delighted to edit them for you

      • Someone else replied so I saw this again. I've got an idea for one regarding Michael Pllars unpublished for being too spicy but leaked online book about the production of star trek insurrection. There's a draft where it's sort of a Heart of Darkness with Data as Kurtz defending the Baku and Picard is working with a 'maverick' star fleet officer who Picard knew in the academy who as described by Michael was essentially a libertarian. I wanna kinda use that as a core to expand on how the post Gene 90s era of trek kept mostly the worst restraints of the Roddenberry Box like misogyny and aside from ds9 his weird ideas about future humans being wooden and emotionless weirdos, voyager mostly shows this. While slowly eroding the more idealistic aspects for humanity to the more idealistic future for the rich white dudes making the show who had become quite successful off of it. How behind the scenes effects what's in front of the camera is kinds rhe most useful political reas you can get from trek, in universe things are either under explained or total nonsense.

  • Can anyone give a tldr for this video?

    • Mostly just the highlights written by OP. She spends most of the video whining about civility in front of the camera that's very painful to watch. I think the video is mostly just her trying to keep the Zionist gay yt women nerds in her channel and funneling out the rude stalinists. It's youtube drama masquerading as political commentary.